在Linux上将视频转换成动态gif图片 (附:ffmpeg

系统 2131 0

虽然曾经被认为是过时的艺术形式,但动态GIF图片现在复苏了。如果你还没有留意到,不少在线分享和社交网络网站都开始支持动态GIF图片,例如, Tumblr Flickr Google+ Facebook的部分地方 。由于在消费和共享上的容易,GIF的动画已经成为主流互联网文化的一部分了。


所以,你们中的一些人会好奇怎样才能生成这样的动态GIF图片。已经有各种各样专门用来生成动态GIF图片的在线或离线工具。另一种选择是创建一副动态GIF图片时关闭现有的视频剪辑。在这个教程中,我会描述 在Linux上如何将一段视频文件转换成一副动态GIF图片


作为一个更有用的例子,让我展示如何 将一个YouTube视频转换成一副动态GIF图片




首先,下载一个你想要转换的YouTube视频。你可以使用 youtube-dl 这个工具将YouTube视频保存为MP4文件。假设你把你最爱的YouTube视频保存为"funny.mp4"。(译注:对于墙内的同学,请无视YT吧,自行去好人楼主那里寻找一个MP4吧,;-})




接下来,在Linux系统上 安装FFmpeg ,我会用这个工具去解压从视频中解压出视频帧。



      ffmpeg -t <时长> -ss <hh:mm:ss格式的开始位置> -i <视频文件> out%04d.gif



      $ ffmpeg -t 5 -ss 00:00:10 -i funny.mp4 out%04d.gif 








首先,如果你还没有的话,在Linux系统上 安装ImageMagick

      convert -delay <帧数>x<每秒帧数> -loop 0 out*gif <输出文件>


在这个命令中,"-delay"是控制动态速度的选项。这个选项表示在显示下一帧画面前需要等待的秒数:帧数/每秒帧数 。"-loop 0"选项表示动画的无限次循环。如果你愿意,你可以指定"-loop N"让动画只重复N次。



      $ convert -delay 1x20 -loop 0 out*.gif animation.gif 







      convert -layers Optimize animation.gif animation_small.gif 







via: http://xmodulo.com/2013/11/convert-video-animated-gif-image-linux.html

译者: KayGuoWhu 校对: wxy

原文由 LCTT 原创翻译, Linux中国 荣誉推出

原文地址: http://linux.cn/thread/12298/1/1/


1. 安装ffmpeg


Install FFmpeg in Ubuntu


Either click this link or run this command in the terminal to install FFmpeg.

      sudo apt-get install ffmpeg


Install FFmpeg in Fedora


FFmpeg can be directly installed from the repos. Just run the following command.

      su -c 'yum install ffmpeg'


Install FFmpeg in any Linux system from source


This howto will be helpful to all the linuxers who either want to have a fully customized installation of FFmpeg or are having some trouble in installing the default package from the distro repos or want to try the latest release.


First of all you will have to download the latest source from the main website . Now, untar it.

      tar -xvjf ffmpeg-0.5.tar.bz2


Install FFmpeg with default options


once you are done with this, in order to install FFmpeg with the default config and options run



from within the FFmpeg source directory. When the configuration script finishes compile it by running make



If the compile finishes without any errors run 'make install' as root to install FFmpeg

      su -c 'make install'


Install FFmpeg with customized settings


If you want to install FFmpeg by customizing some installation options then you can pass some special parameter while running configure script. Run the following command to find out various options available while running configure script.

      ./configure --help


This will show you various options to customize the default installation. Most of the time the default installation will work for you but there is one option which most of us might need freqeuntly. It is


--enable-libmp3lame: This one is a must if you want to work with mp3. Encoding mp3 won't be possible without it.


Although in order to make this option work you will need lame installed. You will get the warning at the time of configuring it. This can be done by installing the library "libmp3lame". You can either install it directly from the repos.

      sudo apt-get install libmp3lame0


or, you can install libmp3lame directly from the source from their website .


Once you are done with 'lame's' installation. this run configure again, if successful run ' make ' and then ' make install ' as root.


原文: http://linuxers.org/tutorial/how-install-ffmpeg-linux


2. 安装ImageMagick


ImageMagick is a suite of command line utilities for image conversion and editing. As one of the most popular image editing software suite, ImageMagick can support almost all kinds of raster image types including GIF, JPEG, PDF, PNG, Postscript, SVG, and TIFF.


Install ImageMagick on Debian, Ubuntu or Linux Mint


ImageMagick is included in a base repository of Debian-based systems. So simply use apt-get command.

      sudo apt-get install imagemagick 


Install ImageMagick on Fedora, CentOS or RHEL


ImageMagick is also part of standard RedHat-based systems. Thus installation is straightforward with yum command.

      sudo yum install ImageMagick 


Install ImageMagick on OpenSUSE


Installation of ImageMagick is straightforward on OpenSUSE with the use of zypper command.

      sudo zypper install imagemagick 


原文: http://xmodulo.com/2013/03/how-to-save-youtube-videos-on-linux.html


在Linux上将视频转换成动态gif图片 (附:ffmpeg和ImageMagick安装方法)




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