【NIO】Chapter 2. Buffers

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Buffer Basics



The maximum number of data elements the buffer can hold.

The capacity is set when the buffer is created and can never be changed. 



The first element of the buffer that should not be read or written.

In other words, the count of live elements in the buffer. 



The index of the next element to beread or written.

The position is updated automatically by relative get()and put()methods. 



A remembered position. Calling mark()sets mark= position.

Calling reset() sets position= mark. The mark is undefined until set. 




0 <= mark <= position <= limit <= capacity


【NIO】Chapter 2. Buffers



Super Class

      package java.nio; 
public abstract class Buffer { 
public final int capacity() 
public final int position() 
public final Buffer position (int newPosition) 
public final int limit() 
public final Buffer limit (int newLimit) 
public final Buffer mark() 
public final Buffer reset() 
public final Buffer clear() 
public final Buffer flip() 
public final Buffer rewind() 
public final int remaining() 
public final boolean hasRemaining() 
public abstract boolean isReadOnly(); 


Invocation chaining






      buffer.put(0, (byte)'M').put((byte)'w'); 




 equal to





      for (int i = 0; buffer.hasRemaining(), i++) { 
myByteArray [i] = buffer.get(); 


 not thread-safe:

      int count = buffer.remaining(); 
for (int i = 0; i < count, i++) { 
myByteArray [i] = buffer.get(); 

Buffers are not thread-safe.

If you want to access a given buffer concurrently from multiple threads, you'll need to do your own synchronization.

(e.g., acquiring a lock on the buffer object) prior to accessing the buffer. )



Once a buffer has been filled and drained, it can be reused.

The clear()method resets a buffer to an empty state.

It doesn't change any of the data elements of the buffer but simply sets the limit to the capacity and the position back to 0.

This leaves the buffer ready to be filled again.


      package com.java.nio;

import java.nio.CharBuffer;

public class BufferFillDrain {
	public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
		CharBuffer buffer = CharBuffer.allocate(100);
		while (fillBuffer(buffer)) {

	private static void drainBuffer(CharBuffer buffer) {
		while (buffer.hasRemaining()) {

	private static boolean fillBuffer(CharBuffer buffer) {
		if (index >= strings.length) {
			return (false);
		String string = strings[index++];
		for (int i = 0; i < string.length(); i++) {
			buffer.put(string.charAt(i));//Not effecient!
		return (true);

	private static int index = 0;
	private static String[] strings = { "A random string value",
			"The product of an infinite number of monkeys",
			"Hey hey we're the Monkees",
			"Opening act for the Monkees: Jimi Hendrix",
			"'Scuse me while I kiss this fly", // Sorry Jimi ;-)
			"Help Me! Help Me!", };



Occasionally, you may wish to drain some, but not all, of the data from a buffer, then
resume filling it. To do this, the unread data elements need to be shifted down so that the
first element is at index zero. While this could be inefficient if done repeatedly, it's
occasionally necessary, and the API provides a method, compact(), to do it for you. The
buffer implementation can potentially copy the data much more efficiently than you
could by using the get()and put()methods. So if you have a need to do this, use


If you want to drain the buffer contents after compaction, the buffer will need to be
flipped as discussed earlier.






The clear()method makes a buffer empty,

while reset()returns the position to a previously set mark.



Bulk Moves

The design goal of buffers is to enable efficient data transfer.

Moving data elements one at a time,  is not very efficient.

As you can see in the following listing, the BufferAPI provides methods to do bulk moves of data elements in or out of a buffer. 


      public abstract class CharBuffer 
extends Buffer implements CharSequence, Comparable 
// This is a partial API listing 
public CharBuffer get (char [] dst) 
public CharBuffer get (char [] dst, int offset, int length) 
public final CharBuffer put (char[] src) 
public CharBuffer put (char [] src, int offset, int length) 
public CharBuffer put (CharBuffer src) 
public final CharBuffer put (String src) 
public CharBuffer put (String src, int start, int end) 



      buffer.get (myArray); 
 equivalent to



      buffer.get (myArray, 0, myArray.length);
Bulk transfers are always of a fixed size. Omitting the length means that the entirearray will be filled.




      char [] bigArray = new char [1000]; 
// Get count of chars remaining in the buffer 
int length = buffer.remaining(); 
// Buffer is known to contain < 1,000 chars 
buffer.get (bigArrray, 0, length); 
// Do something useful with the data 
processData (bigArray, length); 

buffer.put (myArray);
//equivalent to 
buffer.put (myArray, 0, myArray.length); 

dstBuffer.put (srcBuffer); 
//equivalent to 
while (srcBuffer.hasRemaining()) { 
dstBuffer.put (srcBuffer.get()); 

buffer.put (myString); 
//equivalent to
buffer.put (myString, 0, myString.length());

buffer.put (myString, 5, 9);
//equivalent to
for (int i = start; i < end; i++) } 
buffer.put (myString.charAt (i)); 



Creating Buffers

New buffers are created by either allocation or wrapping.

Allocation creates a buffer object and allocates private space to hold capacitydata elements. Wrapping creates a buffer object but does not allocate any space to hold the data elements.

It uses the array you provide as backing storage to hold the data elements of the buffer. 


      CharBuffer charBuffer = CharBuffer.allocate (100);

//This constructs a new buffer object, but the data elements will live in the array.
//Any change to array will reflect to buffer, reverse the same.
char [] myArray = new char [100]; 
CharBuffer charbuffer = CharBuffer.wrap (myArray); 


Buffers created by either allocate()or wrap()are always nondirect.

Nondirect buffers have backing arrays, and you can gain access to those arrays with the remaining API methods listed above.

The boolean method hasArray() tells you if the buffer has an accessible backing array or

If it returns true, the array() method returns a reference to the array storage used by the buffer object. 

If hasArray()returns false, do not call array()or arrayOffset().


Direct Buffers

The most significant way in which byte buffers are distinguished from other buffer types
is that they can be the sources and/or targets of I/O performed by Channels.









Direct byte buffers are usually the best choice for I/O operations.

If you will be using the buffer repeatedly in a high-performance scenario, you're better off allocating direct buffers and reusing them.



Direct buffers are optimal for I/O, but they may be more expensive to create than
nondirect byte buffers.




First make it work, then make it fast.









【NIO】Chapter 2. Buffers




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