3>使用childNode()代替之前的children4>手型鼠标指针请用cursor:pointer,不用cursor:hand5>获取自己定义的属性用document.getElementByID("TD1").getA" />

javascript IE与FireFox 一些兼容写法

系统 3542 0

2><button> 会被firefox解释为提交form或者刷新页面,需要写标准<button type="button">
4> 手型鼠标指针请用cursor:pointer,不用 cursor:hand
5>获取自己定义的属性 用  document.getElementByID("TD1").getAttribute("isOBJ")  代替document.getElementByID("TD1").isOBJ
6>事件追加方法attachEvent(IE)/detachEvent;addEventListener( Mozilla, Netscape, Firefox)/removeEventListener
7>Firefox中不存在 Event时间,必须通过object本身去取
  document.onmousemove = Inti_move;
  function  Inti_move(ert)

Internet Explorer Name Mozilla Name Description 表4 Mozilla与IE之间的事件属性差异
altKey altKey Boolean property that returns whether the alt key was pressed during the event.
cancelBubble stopPropagation() Used to stop the event from bubbling farther up the tree.
clientX clientX The X coordinate of the event, in relation to the element viewport.
clientY clientY The Y coordinate of the event, in relation to the element viewport.
ctrlKey ctrlKey Boolean property that returns whether the Ctrl key was pressed during the event.
fromElement relatedTarget For mouse events, this is the element from which the mouse moved away.
keyCode keyCode For keyboard events, this is a number representing the key that was pressed. It is 0 for mouse events.
returnValue preventDefault() Used to prevent the event's default action from occurring.
screenX screenX The X coordinate of the event, in relation to the screen.
screenY screenY The Y coordinate of the event, in relation to the screen.
shiftKey shiftKey Boolean property that returns whether the Shift key was pressed during the event.
srcElement target The element to which the event was originally dispatched.
toElement currentTarget For mouse events, this is the element to which the mouse moved.
type type Returns the name of the event.


function  keepKeyNum(evt)
var   k = window.event ? evt.keyCode:evt.which;
if  ((k <= 57 &&  (k >= 48 ))
{ return   true ;}
{ return   false ;}

  < input  type ="text"  onKeyPress =" return keepKeyNum(event);"   >

javascript IE与FireFox 一些兼容写法




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