- public void run() {
- // Loop until we receive a shutdown command
- while (!stopped) {
- // Accept the next incoming connection from the server socket
- Socket socket = null ;
- try {
- socket = serverSocket.accept();
- if (connectionTimeout > 0 )
- socket.setSoTimeout(connectionTimeout);
- socket.setTcpNoDelay(tcpNoDelay);
- } catch (AccessControlException ace) {
- log( "socket accept security exception" , ace);
- continue ;
- } catch (IOException e) {
- try {
- // If reopening fails, exit
- synchronized (threadSync) {
- if (started && !stopped)
- log( "accept error: " , e);
- if (!stopped) {
- serverSocket.close();
- serverSocket = open();
- }
- }
- } catch (IOException ioe) {
- log( "socket reopen, io problem: " , ioe);
- break ;
- } catch (KeyStoreException kse) {
- log( "socket reopen, keystore problem: " , kse);
- break ;
- } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException nsae) {
- log( "socket reopen, keystore algorithm problem: " , nsae);
- break ;
- } catch (CertificateException ce) {
- log( "socket reopen, certificate problem: " , ce);
- break ;
- } catch (UnrecoverableKeyException uke) {
- log( "socket reopen, unrecoverable key: " , uke);
- break ;
- } catch (KeyManagementException kme) {
- log( "socket reopen, key management problem: " , kme);
- break ;
- }
- continue ;
- }
- // Hand this socket off to an appropriate processor
- HttpProcessor processor = createProcessor();
- if (processor == null ) {
- try {
- log(sm.getString( "httpConnector.noProcessor" ));
- socket.close();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- ;
- }
- continue ;
- }
- processor.assign(socket);
- }
- // Notify the threadStop() method that we have shut ourselves down
- synchronized (threadSync) {
- threadSync.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- private Stack processors = new Stack();
- private HttpProcessor createProcessor() {
- synchronized (processors) {
- if (processors.size() > 0 ) {
- return ((HttpProcessor) processors.pop()); //从processors栈中弹出一个processor
- }
- if ((maxProcessors > 0 ) && (curProcessors < maxProcessors)) {
- return (newProcessor());
- } else {
- if (maxProcessors < 0 ) {
- return (newProcessor());
- } else {
- return ( null );
- }
- }
- }
- }
接下来由processor.assign(socket); 记住这个方法是异步的,不需要等待HttpProcessor来处理完成,所以HttpConnector才能不间断的传入Http请求,在HttpProcessor里有两个方法比较重要,这两个方法协调处理了由HttpConnector传来的socket:
- synchronized void assign(Socket socket) {
- // Wait for the Processor to get the previous Socket
- while (available) {
- try {
- wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- }
- }
- // Store the newly available Socket and notify our thread
- this .socket = socket;
- available = true ;
- notifyAll();
- if ((debug >= 1 ) && (socket != null ))
- log( " An incoming request is being assigned" );
- }
- private synchronized Socket await() {
- // Wait for the Connector to provide a new Socket
- while (!available) {
- try {
- wait();
- } catch (InterruptedException e) {
- }
- }
- // Notify the Connector that we have received this Socket
- Socket socket = this .socket;
- available = false ;
- notifyAll();
- if ((debug >= 1 ) && (socket != null ))
- log( " The incoming request has been awaited" );
- return (socket);
- }
- public void run() {
- // Process requests until we receive a shutdown signal
- while (!stopped) {
- // Wait for the next socket to be assigned
- Socket socket = await();
- if (socket == null )
- continue ;
- // Process the request from this socket
- try {
- process(socket);
- } catch (Throwable t) {
- log( "process.invoke" , t);
- }
- // Finish up this request
- connector.recycle( this );
- }
- // Tell threadStop() we have shut ourselves down successfully
- synchronized (threadSync) {
- threadSync.notifyAll();
- }
- }
- private void process(Socket socket) {
- input = new SocketInputStream(socket.getInputStream(),
- connector.getBufferSize());
- //解析一下连接的地址,端口什么的
- parseConnection(socket);
- //解析请求头的第一行,即:方法,协议,uri
- parseRequest(input, output);
- if (!request.getRequest().getProtocol()
- .startsWith( "HTTP/0" ))
- parseHeaders(input); //解析http协议的头部
- ..............................................
- connector.getContainer().invoke(request, response);
- .............................................
- }

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