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2010 International Workshop of GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems in Science and Engineering

(GPU-SMP’ 2010)


July 26-29, 2010

Harbin , Heilongjiang, China

Organizer : 中科院超级计算中心,中科院研究生院

Co-organizer : 哈尔滨工业大学,中国力学学会

Sponsors : clip_image003[4]


Dear Colleagues,

On behalf of the organizing committee, we cordially invite you to attend the “International Workshop of GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems in Science and Engineering”(GPU-SMP 2010, http://gpu-smp.sccas.cn/ ) supported by Supercomputing Center, Computer Network Information Center, Chinese Academy of Sciences and Graduate University of Chinese Academy of Sciences. The workshop will be held in Harbin, China on July 27 - 29, 2010 (Tuesday through Thursday) with people arriving in time for a reception on July 26 th (Monday).

This workshop will cover topics on GPU Solutions to Multiscale Problems in Science and Engineering such as seeking for applications and solutions of GPU technology to multiscale problems in science and engineering, looking at high performance computing methods as well as advanced software realization technology and the construction of computing environment, investigating the mainstream developing trend and key scientific problem of GPU in computing and visualization technology.

Harbin is a beautiful city which is famous for its building style and cool weather in summer. During the workshop, attendees will have chances to access to local attractions. We hope you can come and participate.

Workshop Topics

l Applications and solutions of GPU technology to multi-scale problems in science and engineering.

l High performance computing method as well as advanced software realization technology and construction of computing environment.

l The mainstream developing trend and key scientific problems of GPU in computing and visualization technology.

Important Dates

l Confirm to participate or give a talk by sending an email to GPU-SMP@sccas.cn before May 15 th .

l Submit talk abstract to GPU-SMP@sccas.cn before May 27 th .

l Registration online starts on June 1 st , stops at June 30 th .

Registration Fee

RMB 500 (including meals, materials and sightseeing)

*The registration fees of all speakers are waived.

*We accept only remittance not on-site payment.


Secretary : Ms. Fang-jiao Chai

Telephone: 86-10-5881-2166

Email : gpu-smp@sccas.cn

Website : http://gpu-smp.sccas.cn/





QQ号联系: 360901061



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