11.20号------oracle background process(后台

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一.Background Processes

To maximize performance and accommodate many users, a multiprocess Oracle system uses some additional Oracle processes called background processes .


11.20号------oracle background process(后台进程)


Database Writer Process(DBWn)

Log Writer Process(LGWR)

CheckPoint Process(CKPT)

System Monitor Process(SMON)

Process Monitor Process(PMON)

Recoverer Process(RECO)

Job Queue Processes

Archiver Processes(ARCn)

Queue Monitor Processes (QMNn)

Other Background Processes









7.当使用类似于alter tablespace users begin backup的命令对某个表空间进行联机备份时。



1.show parameter db_writer_processes

2.alter system set db_writer_processes=9 scope=spfile(网有说是最多10个dbwr同时进行写操作,但是官方的文档上说有20个 ,本人没有测试过 )

3.shutdown immediate



Database Writer Process (DBW n )

The database writer process (DBWn) writes the contents of buffers to datafiles. The DBW n processes are responsible for writing modified (dirty) buffers in the database buffer cache to disk. Although one database writer process (DBW0) is adequate for most systems, you can configure additional processes (DBW1 through DBW9 and DBWa through DBWj) to improve write performance if your system modifies data heavily. These additional DBW n processes are not useful on uniprocessor systems.


When a buffer in the database buffer cache is modified, it is marked dirty . A cold buffer is a buffer that has not been recently used according to the least recently used (LRU) algorithm. The DBW n process writes cold, dirty buffers to disk so that user processes are able to find cold, clean buffers that can be used to read new blocks into the cache. As buffers are dirtied by user processes, the number of free buffers diminishes. If the number of free buffers drops too low, user processes that must read blocks from disk into the cache are not able to find free buffers. DBW n manages the buffer cache so that user processes can always find free buffers.


By writing cold, dirty buffers to disk, DBW n improves the performance of finding free buffers while keeping recently used buffers resident in memory. For example, blocks that are part of frequently accessed small tables or indexes are kept in the cache so that they do not need to be read in again from disk. The LRU algorithm keeps more frequently accessed blocks in the buffer cache so that when a buffer is written to disk, it is unlikely to contain data that will be useful soon.


The initialization parameter DB_WRITER_PROCESSES specifies the number of DBW n processes. The maximum number of DBW n processes is 20. If it is not specified by the user during startup, Oracle determines how to set DB_WRITER_PROCESSES based on the number of CPUs and processor groups.


The DBW n process writes dirty buffers to disk under the following conditions:


  • When a server process cannot find a clean reusable buffer after scanning a threshold number of buffers, it signals DBW n to write. DBW n writes dirty buffers to disk asynchronously while performing other processing.

  • 当在扫描缓存的数量之后服务进程不能找到一个干净的可复用的缓存,它就标志着dbwn要写。在其它进程在执行dbwn异步的写脏数据到缓存中,
  • DBW n periodically writes buffers to advance the checkpoint , which is the position in the redo thread (log) from which instance recovery begins. This log position is determined by the oldest dirty buffer in the buffer cache.

  • dbwn定期的写缓存数据,为了使检查点向前。在高速缓存中重做位置是由最后脏缓存决定的。




A commit record when a user process commits a transaction

当用户进程提交一个事务Redo log buffers

Every three seconds超过三分钟

When the redo log buffer is one-third full


When a DBW n process writes modified buffers to disk, if necessary


The log writer process (LGWR) is responsible for redo log buffer management—writing the redo log buffer to a redo log file on disk. LGWR writes all redo entries that have been copied into the buffer since the last time it wrote.


The redo log buffer is a circular buffer. When LGWR writes redo entries from the redo log buffer to a redo log file, server processes can then copy new entries over the entries in the redo log buffer that have been written to disk. LGWR normally writes fast enough to ensure that space is always available in the buffer for new entries, even when access to the redo log is heavy.


LGWR一般都快速的写以确保在缓存中对于新存的记录能有空闲的空间可以使用,即使当redo log很忙.

LGWR writes synchronously to the active mirrored group of redo log files. If one of the files in the group is damaged or unavailable, LGWR continues writing to other files in the group and logs an error in the LGWR trace file and in the system alert log. If all files in a group are damaged, or the group is unavailable because it has not been archived, LGWR cannot continue to function.


11.20号------oracle background process(后台进程)




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