C and C++ Links

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Learning C and C++
C/C++ Newsgroups

The links on Function Pointers and Callbacks can now be found as chapter 5 of the Function Pointer Tutorials .

<!-- My other Projects -->

My other Projects

  • Source to HTML Converter <!--INC:"LscLinkDescription.inc"-->Freeware tool that converts C/C++, Java and Delphi source code into sytnax highlighted HTML.<!--/INC:"LscLinkDescription.inc"--> [Freeware]
  • PNC2 Rule Induction System <!--INC:"Pnc2LinkDescription.inc"-->A free machine learning windows tool that automatically induces rules from your data using a kind of cluster algorithm. <!--/INC:"Pnc2LinkDescription.inc"--> [Freeware]
<!-- Learning C and C++ -->

Learning C and C++

  • Open Directory Project Category FAQs, Help, and Tutorials. [Directory]
  • Onesmartclick Well selected C and C++ Programming Links. [Directory]
  • Learn C/C++ Today List of a few C and C++ language tutorials. [Directory]
  • C++ FAQ Lite Marshall Cline's C++ FAQ which is answering all common C++ questions. [FAQ]
  • comp.lang.c FAQ Even if you are programming in C++, sometimes you have got a C problem. If so, try Steve Summit's C FAQ. [FAQ]
  • Comeau C++ Template FAQ Extensive FAQ about templates. [FAQ]
  • CProgramming Complete C++ language tutorial, source code, links, forum and more. [Site]
  • C++ Glossary A C++ glossary by Glen McCluskey where you can find short and concise definitions. [Glossary]
  • The cplusplus.com Tutorial Complete C++ language tutorial. [Tutorial]
  • Introduction to OOP Introduction to object-oriented programming using C++ by Peter Müller. [Tutorial]
  • Linked Lists One page tutorial about linked lists. Illustrated by graphics. [Tutorial]
  • Java to C++ Transition Tutorial Brief and yet somewhat thorough introduction to the C++ language for JAVA programmers. [Tutorial] <!-- <li><a href="http://library.thinkquest.org/3074/Index.html?tqskip=1&tqskip1=1&tqtime=0209" target=_parent><b>From The Ground Up: A Guide to C++</b></a> &nbsp; Complete C++ introduction for <b>PASCAL</b> programmers. <b>&nbsp;[Tutorial]</b><b><font color="#FF0000">&nbsp;[Gone?]</font></b></li> -->
  • Pascal and C++ Side by Side Side by side presentation of Pascal and C++ syntax. [Tutorial]
  • OOPWeb Huge library of locally hosted programming tutorials, lecture notes and references for C++ and other languages. [Tutorials]
  • C++ Pitfalls Code that compiles, runs but does somethings else than you expect. [Article] <!-- <li><a href="http://members.tripod.com/~radosoft/CppTips/" target=_parent><b>Not so Obvious C++ Tricks</b></a> &nbsp; Small C++ collection of mostly macros and template functions. <b>&nbsp;[Code]</b><b><font color="#FF0000">&nbsp;[DEAD?]</font></b></li> -->
  • C++ Tip-of-the-Day Collection of C++ tricks. [Code]
<!-- C/C++ Newsgroups -->

C/C++ Newsgroups

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<!-- Misc -->


  • AXCEL216's Tricks ?Secrets ?Bugs ?Fixes! An overwhelming amount of information about Windows and DOS. [Site]
  • How To Write Unmaintainable Code The ultimate guide of how to choose names or design and document your programs ;-)) [Article]
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C and C++ Links




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