SSH: connect to host localhost or ip addr po

系统 2081 0


One possible reason is that because the ssh server daemon , or sshd , is not loaded and running on localhost, so any attempt to ssh connect to localhost would fail. I check to see whether ssh and sshd are running by typing the following command:

        $ ps aux | grep ssh
# Result: bunch of lines, but none of them is about "sshd", only one line is about "ssh"


Result is, I only see ssh running, but not sshd. So I know ssh server daemon is probably not started yet.

First, I verify that I have installed the package “openssh-server” on my fedora box.

Then I check the status of sshd service:


You may not have OpenSSH completely installed. Type this in terminal:

        sudo apt-get install openssh-client
sudo apt-get install openssh-server


Another problem that you could have is that your firewall could be blocking the ssh connection. I use Firewall Configuration to manage my ports and firewall.


to restart it type

        sudo /etc/init.d/ssh restart


to stop it type

        sudo /etc/init.d/ssh stop


to start it type

        sudo /etc/init.d/ssh start




OpenSSH server on Mac OS X

OpenSSH server is part of Mac OS X and you don't need to install any additional package.

To enable the OpenSSH server of Mac OS X, open System Preferences:


Click on sharing and enable Remote Login:

This will start up OpenSSH server automatically.





SSH: connect to host localhost or ip addr port 22: Connection refused




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