仿微软Office 迷你工具条(简易编辑器)

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源自: http://www.jankoatwarpspeed.com/post/2010/05/23/microsoft-office-minibar-jQuery-CSS3.aspx



Why and how to create Microsoft Office Minibar with jQuery and CSS3




Although many will argue that Microsoft products are an example of a good design, Minibar was one of design refreshments that came out with the Office 2007. It is a variation of a toolbar that exposes context-related functionality . In case of MS Word, context is a text selection. Since Minibar always pops up near the mouse pointer it enables users to quickly perform actions related to a selection.


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So how it works? When user makes a selection in input field Minibar pops up, semi-transparent, above the selection. When user hovers the Minibar it fades out. It disappears when user clicks anywhere in the input field or performs an action by clicking on a Minibar button.

Quite simple Minibar will be shown in this tutorial - it has only bold , underline , italic , and link buttons.










仿微软Office 迷你工具条(简易编辑器)




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