Mandarax的改进方向(From mandarax maillist)

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From: sabari <nathsabari@ya...>
Passing Collection of objects and multiple arguments
2004-01-12 08:05
    We prefer to use mandarax as the rule engine in our
 Hospital Information System. To begin with, we have
 some fundamnetal doubts regarding the implemetation.
 We expect your advice  for the follwing doubts.
  1)Can we pass a group of objects in a collection to
 the query? Say a collection of Customer objects .  
 We have situations similar to, hundreds of customer
 instances which go through the rule checks and only
 valid customers need to be returned ( by querying the
 knowledgebase ) . So here a collection of customers
 are passed and a collection of valid customers (may be
 a Collection of valid discounts ) returned. 
  2)How can we pass multiple arguments in to the
 inference engine at query time? 
 Say I want to pass both customer object, and his
 turn_over_object. Is there any limitation to the
 number of arguments? Can we pass an object array? And
 if so, what should be their order?
  3)To access the member variables of the passing
 object we need to create Separate JFunctions for each
 member. This is a tedious process. Is there any other
 simple alternative? We want to access the values just
 by specifying the Class name and its member variables
 Thanks ,


Mandarax的改进方向(From mandarax maillist)




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