Liferay Portal学习笔记之(五):开发主题风格

系统 1529 0
Liferay Portal为我们提供了非常灵活的主题风格定制功能,自身带了四种风格的theme,在官方网站上提供了很多风格theme的下载,这无疑大大增强了主题风格定制的功能。但是,我们完全可以开发具有自己风格的theme,这里,我们将讨论怎样来开发个性的theme。

xml version = " 1.0 " ?>
<!----> DOCTYPE look - and - feel PUBLIC  " -//Liferay//DTD Look and Feel 4.0.0//EN "   " " >

< look - and - feel >
< compatibility >
< version > 4.0 . 0 <!----> version >
<!----> compatibility >
< company - limit >
< company - includes  />
< company - excludes  />
<!----> company - limit >
< theme id = "coldtear "  name = "ColdTear " >
< root - path >/ html / themes / coldtear <!----> root - path >
< templates - path >/ html / themes / coldtear / templates <!----> templates - path >
< images - path >/ html / themes / coldtear / images <!----> images - path >
< template - extension > jsp <!----> template - extension >
< color - scheme id = " 01 "  name = " Blue " >
<!----> [CDATA[
- bg = #FFFFFF
- bg = #FFFFFF
- text = # 000000

- tab - bg = #E0E0E0
- tab - text = # 000000

- tab - selected - bg = #6699CC
- tab - selected - text = #4A517D

- title - bg = #6699CC
- title - text = #4A517D

- menu - bg = #B6CBEB
- menu - text = # 000000

- bg = #FFFFFF

- font = # 000000
- font - dim = #C4C4C4

- msg - status = # 000000
- msg - info = # 000000
- msg - error = #FF0000
- msg - alert = #FF0000
- msg - success = #007F00

- section - header = # 094170
- section - header - bg = #ADBDFB

- section - subheader = # 405278
- section - subheader - bg = #91AEE8

- section - body = #000000
- section - body - bg = #E2E7FA

- section - body - hover = #FFFFFF
- section - body - hover - bg = #AC6CFA

- section - alternate = # 000000
- section - alternate - bg = #CFD7FB

- section - alternate - hover = #FFFFFF
- section - alternate - hover - bg = #AC6CFA

- section - selected = #7AA0EC
- section - selected - bg = #FAFCFE

- section - selected - hover = #00329A
- section - selected - hover - bg = #C0D2F7
<!----> color - scheme >
<!----> theme >
<!----> look - and - feel >

1、打开liferay/html/theme/coldtear/templates目录,该目录下存放着很多jsp文件,打开portal_normal.jsp文件可以看到,该文件是整个页面的主体,通过 <liferay-util:include>标签和<%@ include>方法包含了很多jsp文件,其中top.jsp文件定义了头部信息,navigation.jsp定义了导航菜单,bottom.jsp定义了底部语言标签信息,而页面的主体信息是由 <liferay-theme:box>标签定义的,top="portlet_top.jsp"定义了portlet的标题栏信息,bottom="portlet_bottom.jsp"定义了portlet下面的阴影线,portlet的内容则是由 <liferay-util:include page="&lt;%= Constants.TEXT_HTML_DIR + tilesContent %&gt;">定义的。所有的css样式信息是定义在css_cached.jsp文件中的。
2、liferay portal的页面定义大部分地方都采用了DIV+CSS的方式,下面将以classic的整个DIV定义框架给出,以说明classic风格的定义方法。
</liferay-util:include> </liferay-theme:box> </liferay-util:include>
< div id = " layout-outer-side-decoration " >
< div id = " layout-inner-side-decoration " >
< div id = " layout-box " >
< div id = " layout-top-banner " >
< div id = " layout-user-menu "  style = " text-align: right; " >
< div  class = " font-small "  style = " margin-top: 5px; " >
< div id = " layout-my-places " >
< div id = " p_p_id_49_ "   class = " portlet-boundary " >
< div  class = " portlet-borderless-container " >
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
< div id = " layout-nav-container " >
< div  class = " layout-nav-tabs-box " >
< div  class = " layout-tab " ><!----> div >
< div  class = " layout-tab " ><!----> div >
< div  class = " layout-tab-selected " ><!----> div >
< div  class = " layout-tab " ><!----> div >
<!----> div >
< div id = " layout-global-search " ><!----> div >
<!----> div >
< div  class = " portlet-bottom-decoration-2 " >< div >< div ><!----> div ><!----> div ><!----> div >
< div id = " layout-content-outer-decoration " >
< div id = " layout-content-inner-decoration " >
< div id = " layout-content-container " >
< div id = " layout-column_column-1 " >
< div id = " p_p_id_73_INSTANCE_9Q28_ "   class = " portlet-boundary " >
< div  class = " portlet-container " >
< div  class = " portlet-header-bar "  id = " portlet-header-bar_73_INSTANCE_9Q28 "  onmouseover = " "  onmouseout = " PortletHeaderBar.hide( " >
< div  class = " portlet-wrap-title " >
<!----> div >
< div  class = " portlet-small-icon-bar "  style = " display: none; " >
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
< div  class = " portlet-box " >
< div  class = " portlet-minimum-height " >
< div id = " p_p_body_73_INSTANCE_9Q28 "   >
< div  class = " slide-maximize-reference " >
< div id = " p_p_content_73_INSTANCE_9Q28_ "  style = " margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0; " >
<!----> div >
<!----> div ><!---->
<!----> div >
<!----> div >
<!----> div ><!---->
< div  class = " portlet-bottom-decoration-2 " >< div >< div ><!----> div ><!----> div ><!----> div >
<!----> div ><!---->
<!----> div >

Liferay Portal学习笔记之(五):开发主题风格theme




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