[img]http://p.blog.csdn.net/images/p_blog_csdn_net/elivs_wu/EntryImages/20090210/Result Of First Query.jpg[/img]
[img]http://p.blog.csdn.net/images/p_blog_csdn_net/elivs_wu/EntryImages/20090210/Result Of Second Query.jpg[/img]

SELECT Material, (case when type='TA1' then num else 0 end) as TA1, (case when type='TA2' then num else 0 end) as TA2, (case when type='TA3' then num else 0 end) as TA3, (case when type='TA4' then num else 0 end) as TA4, (case when type='TB1' then num else 0 end) as TB1, (case when type='TB2' then num else 0 end) as TB2 from test_table
[img]http://p.blog.csdn.net/images/p_blog_csdn_net/elivs_wu/EntryImages/20090210/Result Of First Query.jpg[/img]
SELECT Material, (case when type='TA1' then num else 0 end) as TA1, (case when type='TA2' then num else 0 end) as TA2, (case when type='TA3' then num else 0 end) as TA3, (case when type='TA4' then num else 0 end) as TA4, (case when type='TB1' then num else 0 end) as TB1, (case when type='TB2' then num else 0 end) as TB2 into #t from test_table select Material, sum(TA1) as TA1, sum(TA2) as TA2,sum(TA3) as TA3, sum(TA4) as TA4, sum(TB1) as TB1, sum(TB2) as TB2 from #t group by Material
[img]http://p.blog.csdn.net/images/p_blog_csdn_net/elivs_wu/EntryImages/20090210/Result Of Second Query.jpg[/img]