VM下安装RedHat6出现的 NO DISKS FOUND 解决

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I had a vmware configuration on which I tried some experiment with openSuSE 10.0 and since I didn’t needed it anymore, I wanted to reuse it. After downloading the ISO images from novell, I mounted the iso image and started installing. Unfortunately it didn’t worked as I expected: the installer couldn’t find any harddisk. I tried a few different solutions but none brought me what I was hoping for.
Finally I found some hints on the sysadmin rablings .
I created a new vmware configuration with the suggested SCSI controller. Since the configuration file of vmware (*.vmx) is just a text file, I opened it with notepad++ and compared it with the configuration file of the currently used vmware. This is the part which had my attention:

scsi0.present = "TRUE"
scsi0.virtualDev = "lsilogic"

Both configuration where using lsilogic scsi controller so I had to find out which steps I had to take to use the other driver. With a little creativity I had my new configuration five minutes later. I searched for the virtualDev line in the new configuration file but I didn’t found any. So I decided to remove the virtualDev line from original configuration. After starting up, I got a warning about the changed hardware and the SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 11 installer found my harddisk. I was happy. :-)
Just for the record: I was using a registred vmware workstation 5.5.9. Maybe SLES 11 works correctly with vmware 6 but I didn’t tried it.

VM下安装RedHat6出现的 NO DISKS FOUND 解决




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