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来自新西兰Auckland 一家的故事。3岁的罗莉趁父母熟睡之际打开电脑,登陆某购物网站,最终为自己订购了一台挖掘机。

当妈妈Sarah 清晨醒来打开电脑收取有件时,竟然发现自己已经购买了一辆售价2w新西兰元的挖掘机。没得说,用Sarash 当时的原话就是‘shock of my life’。

经过简单调查之后,Sarah 发现是家里3岁的小女孩Pipi Quinlan 所为。Sarah 回忆Pipi 是最近才学会玩电脑的,并且看到过她某网站购物。Pipi 应该就是趁着父母睡觉之后打开母亲的电脑,随便点击之后,形成的交易。

* 当Sarah 在网络上提出退款时,挖掘机卖家却并不相信这个古怪的理由(3岁小孩误点击的。是啊,谁会相信呢?)不过最后网站出面搞定了该事情。


这里是细节, http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/article6339258.ece
From Times OnlineMay 22, 2009

Pipi Quinlan, 3, accidentally buys mechanical digger in net auction
Anne Barrowclough in Sydney

When you take most three-year-olds shopping, they're happy if you buy them a new doll.

Not Pipi Quinlan. When she got on to her parents' computer, she ended up with a $NZ20,000 (£8,000) mechanical digger.

The first thing Pipi's parents, who live in Auckland, knew of their child's expensive acqusition was when her mother Sarah logged on to her computer and found a series of e-mails from the New Zealand Trade Me auction site congratulating her on her buy.

The toddler who usually prefers high-heeled pink shoes over giant yellow and black diggers, had woken early and started playing on the computer while her parents were asleep.

After a couple of clicks on the mouse, she entered the NZ internet auction site Trade Me which her mother had logged on to earlier.

A few minutes later, she was the proud owner of the huge Kobelco excavating digger – and her parents were about to be $20,000 the poorer.

"The first I knew about it was when I came down and opened up the computer," her mother Sarah told The Times.

"I saw an e-mail from Trade Me saying I had won an auction and another e-mail from the seller saying something like ‘I think you’ll love this digger’," she said.

"I'd been looking at bulk lots of Lego for my son and I thought a digger must be in one of those toy sets.

"Then I saw the price and got the shock of my life," said Ms Quinlan, who added that she had to ask her husband Reid what a Kobelco was.

"I asked him if he'd been buying a digger. He said it wasn't him, and the only other person in the house is our 18-month-old son. That's when we realised it must have been Pipi.

"She doesn't even like tractors," she said. "She's a real girlie girl – even when she goes fishing she wears frilly dresses."

Pipi had recently been taught how to use a computer, so that she could play toddlers' games, Ms Quinlan said. But she had watched her mother use Trade Me and had noticed that when her mother clicked on some items, pretty pictures came up.

"I think she was just clicking on the computer to see what happened," Ms Quinlan said.

Sarah explained the error to Trade Me and the seller. The seller didn't see the funny side – particularly when he was told his buyer was a three-year-old whose piggy bank didn't run to $20,000. However, Trade Me has reimbursed his costs and he has now sold the digger to a grown-up.

The hardest part of all, said Ms Quinlan, was explaining to Pipi the enormity of what she had done without laughing.

"In the end I told her she had just spent enough money to buy 20,000 ice blocks. That made her realise how serious it was," she said.

Pipi has been banned from using the computer on her own and the Quinlans have deleted all their automatic log-ons.

wow! children these day. Have to keep you eyes o them 247 if you could. Remind me my little girl at 3, I was still laughing to these day on how she turned on, log-in the PC herself then log-out with changed password which took her poor dad days to break back in.

wo, toronto, canada





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