DesktopNexus 是我最喜爱的一个壁纸下载网站,上面有许多高质量的壁纸,几乎每天必上, 每月也必会坚持分享我这个月来收集的壁纸
但是 DesktopNexus 壁纸的下载很麻烦,而且因为壁纸会通过浏览器检测你当前分辨率来展示 合适你当前分辨率的壁纸,再加上是国外的网站,速度上很不乐观。
脚本使用 python 写的,所以需要机器上安装有 python 。
$ python -p -s 1280x800 -o wallpapers
-p 包含 DesktopNexus 壁纸链接的页面,比如我的壁纸分享
-s 壁纸尺寸,可选,缺省为 1440x900
-o 壁纸输出的文件夹,可选,缺省为当前目录下的 wallpapers, 如果不存在会自动创建
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*- from argparse import ArgumentParser import os, re, sys import urllib2, cookielib, urlparse RE_WALLPAPER = r'http\:\/\/[^\/\.]+\.desktopnexus\.com\/wallpaper\/\d+\/' CHUNK_SIZE = 1024 * 3 class DesktopNexus: def __init__(self, page=None, size=None, output_dir=None): = page self.size = size self.output_dir = output_dir def start(self): print 'Making output directory:', self.output_dir if not os.path.exists(self.output_dir): os.makedirs(self.output_dir) # Setup cookie cookie = cookielib.CookieJar() processer = urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cookie) opener = urllib2.build_opener(processer) urllib2.install_opener(opener) self._read_page() def _get_pic_info(self, url): pic_id = url.split('/')[-2] html = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() pattern = r' .*?)\"' % pic_id match =, html, flags=re.I|re.M|re.S) if match: return {'id': pic_id, 'token':'token'), 'size': self.size} else: raise Exception('Cound not find wallpaper') def _get_pic_file(self, pic_info): redirect_url = '' % pic_info request = urllib2.urlopen(redirect_url) return request.geturl() def _download_pic(self, url): pic_info = self._get_pic_info(url) pic_file = self._get_pic_file(pic_info) filename = os.path.split(urlparse.urlparse(pic_file).path)[-1] filename = os.path.join(self.output_dir, filename) with open(filename, 'wb') as output: resp = urllib2.urlopen(pic_file) total_size = int('Content-Length')) saved_size = 0.0 while saved_size != total_size: chunk = saved_size += len(chunk) output.write(chunk) self._print_progress('Saving file: %s' % filename, \ saved_size / total_size * 100) def _print_progress(self, msg, progress): sys.stdout.write('%-71s%3d%%\r' \ % (len(msg) <= 70 and msg or msg[:67] + '...', progress)) sys.stdout.flush() if progress >= 100: sys.stdout.write('\n') def _read_page(self): try: print 'Fetching content:', html = urllib2.urlopen( links = set(re.findall(RE_WALLPAPER, html, re.M|re.I)) count = len(links) print 'Downloading wallpapers:' for i, link in enumerate(links): print '[%d/%d]: %s' % (i + 1, count, link) try: self._download_pic(link) except Exception as e: print 'Error downloading wallpaper.', e.message except Exception as e: print 'Error fetching content.', e if __name__ == '__main__': # Setup argparser parser = ArgumentParser('python') parser.add_argument('-p', '--page', dest='page', required=True, \ help='specific a page that includes wallpaper list') parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', dest='size', default='1440x900', \ help='specific the wallpaper size, default to 1440x900') parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', dest='output_dir', default='wallpapers', \ help='specific the output directory, default to "wallpapers"') args = parser.parse_args() dn = DesktopNexus(**args.__dict__) dn.start()