Apache Geronimo 1.0 正式发布 - 明天来详细分

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The Apache Software Foundation is pleased to announce the release of Apache Geronimo 1.0 and welcomes the incubation of key sub-projects, including ActiveMQ, OpenEJB, ServiceMix, WADI and XBean, that will now be supported by the Apache Software Foundation's development, licensing, planning and release process.

Apache Geronimo 1.0 introduces complete J2EE 1.4 certification, support for Java Business Integration (JBI), Jetty or Tomcat Web container deployment options, a complete Web-enabled management console based on Java Portlets, full integration with the Eclipse Web Tools Project, and integration of Apache Derby and the Apache Directory Server .

The following technologies have been accepted into the Apache Incubator as future sub-projects of Apache Geronimo:

- ActiveMQ - a JMS-compliant enterprise messaging platform - OpenEJB - a modular, configurable, and extendable EJB Container System and EJB Server - ServiceMix - a JBI-based enterprise service bus and SOA toolkit - WADI - a clustering, load-balancing and fail-over solution - XBean - a plug-in-based server framework, analogous to the Eclipse plug-in-based, IDE framework

The Apache Geronimo Application 1.0 server platform and its sub-projects may be downloaded free of charge, in source and binary form, under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license agreement. For more information and to download, please visit http://geronimo.apache.org/ . To learn more about the sub-projects and the Apache Software Foundation's incubation process, please visit http://incubator.apache.org .

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Apache Geronimo 1.0 正式发布 - 明天来详细分析其组件




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