From GeilThings
Thrift General Version 0.9.0 Stable 0.9.0 Function Remote procedure call framework Scripts
Links Website Thrift Wikipedia Thrift
- Documentation is either very very sparse, or for the wrong version of Thrift, or whatever.
- Thrift Wiki:
- Thrift: The Missing Guide - Diwaker Gupta:
- An intro to Thrift - Blog from Jayant Kumar:
- Apache Thrift - Quick Tutorial:
- Apache Thrift:
- Version: thrift -version
- Response: Thrift version 0.6.1
- Community forums (Mailing lists):
See also
- Google Protocol Buffers:
Installing Thrift
Installing Thrift under CentOS
# CentOS 5 packages: # # automake libtool flex bison pkgconfig gcc-c++ boost-devel libevent-devel zlib-devel python-devel # ruby-devel was not installed since Ruby was built from source. # CentOS 5.6, 5.7: yum install gcc-c++ libevent libevent-devel zlib-devel glib2-devel yum install boost boost-devel automake libtool flex bison pkgconfig yum install perl-Bit-Vector # CentOS 6.2 has perl-Class-Accessor, CentOS 5.6 does not, see below. # Is perl-Class-Accessor really needed??? The Perl library can be built with Thrift 0.8.0 WITHOUT perl-Class-Accessor. # CentOS 6.2: yum install perl-Class-Accessor ### perl-Class-Accessor was not found in CentOS 5.6 repository, so # cpan # install Class::Accessor # exit # Not needed for CentOS 6.2 since CentOS 6.2 has boost 1.41.0: # CentOS 5.6 originally had boost 1.33.1, Thrift 0.6.1 required 1.34.0 for building all tests, so I used boost from source. cd / opt wget http: // / projects / boost / files / boost / 1.48.0 / boost_1_48_0.tar.gz / download tar -zxvf boost_1_48_0.tar.gz # Ant is needed for compiling against Java as of Thrift 0.8.0, CentOS 6.2, Java 1.6.31. RAWNEWVERSION = ` curl -sd "action=ask&query=[[Thrift]]|%3FStable&format=json" http: // / api.php ` NEWVERSION = ` echo " $RAWNEWVERSION " | grep -Po '^.*?\K(?<=Stable\":\[\").*?(?=\")' ` echo $NEWVERSION cd / opt sudo wget http: // / thrift / ${NEWVERSION} / thrift- ${NEWVERSION} .tar.gz sudo tar -zxvf thrift- ${NEWVERSION} .tar.gz cd thrift- ${NEWVERSION} # I could not compile it against Ruby since "make" gave errors. # CentOS 5.7: . / configure --with-boost = / opt / boost_1_48_0 --with-c_glib= yes --without-ruby # CentOS 6.2: . / configure --with-c_glib= yes --without-ruby # See below for errors. make make installInstalling Thrift under Ubuntu
- Ubuntu 12.04
- See official documentation:
sudo apt-get install git-core sudo apt-get install libevent-dev zlib-devel glib2-devel libssl-dev sudo apt-get install libboost-dev libboost-test-dev libboost-program-options-dev libtool pkg-config g++ sudo apt-get install ruby1.8-dev libcommons-lang-java php5-dev sudo apt-get install automake flex bison sudo apt-get install curl sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-full ruby-dev librspec-ruby rake rubygems libdaemons-ruby libgemplugin-ruby mongrel sudo apt-get install python-dev python-twisted sudo apt-get install libbit-vector-perl sudo apt-get install php5-dev php5-cli sudo apt-get install erlang-base erlang-eunit erlang-dev sudo apt-get install golang sudo apt-get install libglib2.0-dev sudo apt-get install ghc6 cabal-install libghc6-binary-dev libghc6-network-dev libghc6-http-dev sudo apt-get install ant RAWNEWVERSION = ` curl -sd "action=ask&query=[[Thrift]]|%3FStable&format=json" http: // / api.php ` NEWVERSION = ` echo " $RAWNEWVERSION " | grep -Po '^.*?\K(?<=Stable\":\[\").*?(?=\")' ` echo $NEWVERSION cd / opt sudo wget http: // / thrift / ${NEWVERSION} / thrift- ${NEWVERSION} .tar.gz sudo tar -zxvf thrift- ${NEWVERSION} .tar.gz cd thrift- ${NEWVERSION} sudo . / configure --with-c_glib= yes # The file /opt/thrift/config.log can be checked for errors and warnings after running ./configure. sudo make sudo make install sudo ln -s / opt / thrift- ${NEWVERSION} / opt / thriftUpgrade Thrift
# Just in case, shut down any thrift-related servers. But this is (October 2012, current versions) actually not needed. # e.g. /opt/hbase/bin/ stop thrift # Check the Requirements, they might have changed: # APPNAME =thrift RAWVERSION = ` thrift -version ` OLDVERSION = ${RAWVERSION:15} echo ${OLDVERSION} RAWNEWVERSION = ` curl -sd "action=ask&query=[[Thrift]]|%3FStable&format=json" http: // / api.php ` NEWVERSION = ` echo " $RAWNEWVERSION " | grep -Po '^.*?\K(?<=Stable\":\[\").*?(?=\")' ` echo $NEWVERSION # Download Thrift. cd / opt wget http: // / thrift / ${NEWVERSION} / thrift- ${NEWVERSION} .tar.gz tar -zxvf thrift- ${NEWVERSION} .tar.gz cd thrift- ${NEWVERSION} # Check that PYTHONHOME is set to the python version that came with the CentOS distribution. # Now configure it: # If the CentOS default "boost" is used, the option --with-boost=/opt/boost_1_48_0 is not needed. # CentOS 5.7: # thrift 0.8.0: # ./configure --with-boost=/opt/boost_1_48_0 --with-c_glib=yes --without-ruby # CentOS 6.2: # thrift 0.8.0: # ./configure --with-c_glib=yes --without-ruby # CentOS 6.3, Thrift 0.9.0, ruby < 1.9.3-p327 (e.g. 1.9.3-p286) . / configure --with-c_glib= yes --with-ruby =no # CentOS 6.3, Thrift 0.9.0, ruby >= 1.9.3-p327 # HURRA, Ruby working with thrift again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! . / configure --with-c_glib= yes # Always "make clean" after finding & correcting some errors in "make", and then "make" again after "make clean". make # make for Thrift 0.8.0 has more undocumented (December 2011) hidden dependencies than Thrift 0.61 or Thrift 0.7; see below for Errors. make install # Check. thrift -version rm -f / opt / thrift ln -s / opt / thrift- ${NEWVERSION} / opt / thriftErrors Installing Thrift or Upgrading Thrift
This integer is too big: "9876543210987654321"
(Thrift 0.8.0, Erlang R15B, error after "make")
[WARNING:/opt/thrift-0.8.0/test/BrokenConstants.thrift:20] 64-bit constant "68719476736" may not work in all languages. [ERROR:/opt/thrift-0.8.0/test/BrokenConstants.thrift:21] (last token was '9876543210987654321') This integer is too big: "9876543210987654321"Rebar requires version {1,5} or higher of git to process ./rebar get-deps
(Thrift 0.8.0, Erlang R15B, error after "make")
Rebar requires version {1,5} or higher of git to process ./rebar get-deps ==> erl (get-deps) Pulling jsx from {git,"git://",{tag,"v0.9.0"}} ERROR: Rebar requires version {1,5} or higher of git to process {git, "git://", {tag, "v0.9.0"}}
- Solution for Errors 1 and 2 : Install git; git x86_64 1.el5 can be found in the epel repository (December 2011).
- yum install git
- make clean
- make
Cannot load such file -- spec/rake/spectask
(Thrift 0.8.0, Ruby 1.9.3p0 or p125, error after "make")
cannot load such file -- spec/rake/spectask
- Solution : Found in
- (gem install rspec will install rspec2 which does NOT solve the problem)
- gem install rspec -v 1.3.2
- make clean
- make
cannot load such file -- mongrel
(Thrift 0.8.0, Ruby 1.9.3p0 or p125, error after "make") (Thrift 0.9.0, Ruby 1.9.3p286)
/usr/local/lib/ruby/1.9.1/rubygems/custom_require.rb:36:in `require': cannot load such file -- mongrel (LoadError)
- Solution : Found in
- See also:
- gem install mongrel --pre
- make clean
- make
Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC
Can't locate ExtUtils/ in @INC
- Solution : yum install perl-ExtUtils-MakeMaker
javadoc Could not create the Java virtual machine
(Thrift 0.8.0, Java, error after "make install")
[javadoc] Generating Javadoc [javadoc] Javadoc execution [javadoc] Error occurred during initialization of VM [javadoc] Could not reserve enough space for object heap [javadoc] Could not create the Java virtual machine.
- Solution : Shut down some memory consuming services or databases and re-try.
Building Java Library ........ : no
Building Java Library ........ : no
- Solution : Check that the java jdk used is correct and the same as the java runtime environment. Choose the correct one using "sudo update-alternatives --config java". This error can also be seen checking the file /opt/thrift/config.log, the line appears: Exception in thread "main" java.lang.UnsupportedClassVersionError:
configure: WARNING: You will need re2c 0.13.4 or later if you want to regenerate PHP parsers
(CentOS 6.3 includes 0.13.5)
- Solution : Install re2c (Tool for generating C-based recognizers from regular expressions)
yum install re2cBuilding Perl Library ........ : no
(CentOS 6.3; Solution only tried with perl 5.16.1)
- Solution : Install the perl module Bit::Vector
perlbrew switch perl-5.16.1 cpan install Bit::VectorMessages
thrift 0.9.0 Building C++ Library ......... : yes Building C ( GLib ) Library .... : yes Building Java Library ........ : yes Building C # Library .......... : no Building Python Library ...... : yes Building Ruby Library ........ : yes Building Haskell Library ..... : no Building Perl Library ........ : yes Building PHP Library ......... : yes Building Erlang Library ...... : yes Building Go Library .......... : no Building D Library ........... : no C++ Library: Build TZlibTransport ...... : yes Build TNonblockingServer .. : yes Build TQTcpServer ( Qt ) .... : no Java Library: Using javac ............... : javac Using java ................ : java Using ant ................. : / usr / bin / ant Python Library: Using Python .............. : / usr / bin / python PHP Library: Using php-config .......... : / usr / bin / php-config Ruby Library: Using Ruby ................ : / usr / local / bin / ruby Perl Library: Using Perl ................ : / root / perl5 / perlbrew / perls / perl-5.16.1 / bin / perl Erlang Library: Using erlc ................ : / usr / local / bin / erlc0.8.0
thrift 0.8.0 Building code generators ..... : Building C++ Library ......... : yes Building C ( GLib ) Library .... : yes Building Java Library ........ : yes Building C # Library .......... : no Building Python Library ...... : yes Building Ruby Library ........ : no Building Haskell Library ..... : no Building Perl Library ........ : yes Building PHP Library ......... : yes Building Erlang Library ...... : yes Building Go Library .......... : no Building TZlibTransport ...... : yes Building TNonblockingServer .. : yes Using javac .................. : javac Using java ................... : java Using ant .................... : / usr / bin / ant Using Python ................. : / usr / bin / python Using php-config ............. : / usr / bin / php-config Using Perl ................... : / usr / bin / perl Using erlc ................... : / usr / local / bin / erlcComments