
系统 1643 0

继续上一次来分析 LoadRequest 的代码,在分析这个函数代码之前,先看看 WebFrame 类的继承层次关系,如下:

class WebFrame : public base::RefCounted<WebFrame> {

WebFrame 是一个接口类,但它先继承引用计数类 RefCounted ,这样对于这个对象多次访问,就可以使用引用计数来判断对象的生命周期了。对于 base::RefCounted<WebFrame> 的语法,其实它是一种模板实现的多态特性,这种方案是最高效的实现方式,比使用虚函数更少占内存,并且运行的速度也更快。它就是解决如下的问题:

  void Release() {

    if (subtle::RefCountedBase::Release()) {

      delete static_cast<T*>(this);



上面的函数里 static_cast<T*>(this) ,它就是一种多态的实现方法,由于 base::RefCounted 类并没有声明为虚析构函数,如下:

template <class T>

class RefCounted : public subtle::RefCountedBase {


  RefCounted() { }

  ~RefCounted() { }


既然没有把类 RefCounted 声明为虚析构函数,又想在基类里调用派生类的析构函数,只好使用 static_cast 和类型转换了,这是一种比较好的模板使用方法,在 WTL 里就大量使用这种技术。


class WebFrameImpl : public WebFrame {




WebFrameImpl 是继承接口类 WebFrame ,这里是使用接口与实现分析的设计模式,这样更方便代码灵活地复用。可见设计 Chrome 的设计师和写代码的程序员,都是顶尖的模板高手,大部的思想与 WTL 库的设计是一脉相承。也难怪 Chrome 的浏览器使用 WTL 库来设计界面。


#001   void WebFrameImpl::LoadRequest(WebRequest* request) {

#002     SubstituteData data;

#003     InternalLoadRequest(request, data, false);

#004   }

WebFrame 里调用函数 LoadRequest ,实际上是调用实现类 WebFrameImpl 函数 LoadRequest ,而在这个函数又是调用 InternalLoadRequest 来实现的,它的代码如下:

#001   void WebFrameImpl::InternalLoadRequest(const WebRequest* request,

#002                                          const SubstituteData& data,

#003                                          bool replace) {


// 转换请求参数。

#004     const WebRequestImpl* request_impl =

#005         static_cast<const WebRequestImpl*>(request);




#007     const ResourceRequest& resource_request =

#008         request_impl->frame_load_request().resourceRequest();


#010     // Special-case javascript URLs.   Do not interrupt the existing load when

#011     // asked to load a javascript URL unless the script generates a result.

#012     // We can't just use FrameLoader::executeIfJavaScriptURL because it doesn't

#013     // handle redirects properly.



#014     const KURL& kurl = resource_request.url();


处理加载 javascript 的连接情况。

#015     if (!data.isValid() && kurl.protocol() == "javascript") {

#016       // Don't attempt to reload javascript URLs.

#017       if (resource_request.cachePolicy() == ReloadIgnoringCacheData)

#018         return;


#020       // We can't load a javascript: URL if there is no Document!

#021       if (!frame_->document())

#022         return;


#024       // TODO(darin): Is this the best API to use here?   It works and seems good,

#025       // but will it change out from under us?

#026       DeprecatedString script =

#027           KURL::decode_string(kurl.deprecatedString().mid(sizeof("javascript:")-1));

#028       bool succ = false;



#029       WebCore::String value =

#030           frame_->loader()->executeScript(script, &succ, true);

#031       if (succ && !frame_->loader()->isScheduledLocationChangePending()) {

#032         // TODO(darin): We need to figure out how to represent this in session

#033         // history.   Hint: don't re-eval script when the user or script navigates

#034         // back-n-forth (instead store the script result somewhere).

#035         LoadDocumentData(kurl, value, String("text/html"), String());

#036       }

#037       return;

#038     }




#040     StopLoading();   // make sure existing activity stops


#042     // Keep track of the request temporarily.   This is effectively a way of

#043     // passing the request to callbacks that may need it.   See

#044     // WebFrameLoaderClient::createDocumentLoader.



#045     currently_loading_request_ = request;


#047     // If we have a current datasource, save the request info on it immediately.

#048     // This is because WebCore may not actually initiate a load on the toplevel

#049     // frame for some subframe navigations, so we want to update its request.



#050     WebDataSourceImpl* datasource = GetDataSourceImpl();

#051     if (datasource)

#052       CacheCurrentRequestInfo(datasource);




#054     if (data.isValid()) {

#055       frame_->loader()->load(resource_request, data);

#056       if (replace) {

#057         // Do this to force WebKit to treat the load as replacing the currently

#058         // loaded page.

#059         frame_->loader()->setReplacing();

#060       }



#061     } else if (request_impl->history_item()) {

#062       // Use the history item if we have one, otherwise fall back to standard

#063       // load.

#064       RefPtr<HistoryItem> current_item = frame_->loader()->currentHistoryItem();


#066       // If there is no current_item, which happens when we are navigating in

#067       // session history after a crash, we need to manufacture one otherwise

#068       // WebKit hoarks. This is probably the wrong thing to do, but it seems to

#069        // work.

#070       if (!current_item) {

#071         current_item = new HistoryItem(KURL("about:blank"), "");

#072         frame_->loader()->setCurrentHistoryItem(current_item);

#073         frame_->page()->backForwardList()->setCurrentItem(current_item.get());


#075         // Mark the item as fake, so that we don't attempt to save its state and

#076         // end up with about:blank in the navigation history.

#077         frame_->page()->backForwardList()->setCurrentItemFake(true);

#078       }


#080       frame_->loader()->goToItem(request_impl->history_item().get(),

#081                                  WebCore::FrameLoadTypeIndexedBackForward);



#082     } else if (resource_request.cachePolicy() == ReloadIgnoringCacheData) {

#083       frame_->loader()->reload();



下面开始调用 load 来加载新下载的网页资源。

#084     } else {

#085       frame_->loader()->load(resource_request);

#086     }


#088     currently_loading_request_ = NULL;

#089   }


上面通过几种情况来分别实现了加载 javascript 网页的处理,还有历史选项处理,还有重新加载网页和加载新网页的处理。下一次再来分析加载新网页的函数 frame_->loader()->load 的实现。





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