从这里下载文件 employees.txt,customers.txt,orders.txt
参考文章: http://www.cnblogs.com/wwan/archive/2011/02/24/1964279.html
使用package导入数据: http://www.cnblogs.com/tylerdonet/archive/2011/04/17/2017471.html
1 select YEAR (o.orderdate) orderyear, COUNT ( distinct (custid)) numCusts
2 from Sales.Orders o
3 group by YEAR (o.orderdate)
4 go -
1 select orderyear, COUNT ( distinct (custid))numCusts
2 from ( select YEAR (orderdate) as orderyear,custid from sales.orders) as D
3 group by orderyear
4 go -
1 select orderyear, COUNT ( distinct (custid)) numCusts
2 from ( select YEAR (orderdate),custid from sales.orders) as D(orderyear,custid)
3 group by orderyear
4 go -
1 with c as (
2 select YEAR (orderdate) orderyear, custid from sales.orders)
3 select orderyear, COUNT ( distinct (custid)) numCusts from c group by orderyear
4 go
指定临时命名的结果集,这些结果集称为公用表表达式 (CTE)。该表达式源自简单查询,并且在单条 SELECT、INSERT、UPDATE、MERGE 或 DELETE 语句的执行范围内定义。该子句也可用在 CREATE VIEW 语句中,作为该语句的 SELECT 定义语句的一部分。公用表表达式可以包括对自身的引用。这种表达式称为递归公用表达式。
1 with c(orderyear,custid) as (
2 select YEAR (orderdate),custid from sales.orders)
3 select orderyear, COUNT ( distinct (custid)) numCusts from c group by c.orderyear
4 go图1
1 with yearcount as (
2 select YEAR (orderdate) orderyear, COUNT ( distinct (custid)) numCusts from sales.orders group by YEAR (orderdate))
3 select cur.orderyear curyear,cur.numCusts curNumCusts,prv.orderyear prvyear,prv.numCusts prvNumCusts,cur.numCusts - prv.numCusts growth
4 from yearcount cur left join yearcount prv on cur.orderyear = prv.orderyear + 1
5 go
1 with TheseEmployees as (
2 select empid from hr.employees where country = ' USA ' ),
3 CharacteristicFunctions as (
4 select custid,
5 case when custid in ( select custid from sales.orders as o where o.empid = e.empid) then 1 else 0 end as charfun
6 from sales.customers as c cross join TheseEmployees as e)
7 select custid, min (charfun) from CharacteristicFunctions group by custid having min (charfun) = 1
8 go
在博友 SingleCat 的提醒下,对 with 语句做一些性能测试,这里使用的测试工具是 SQL Server Profile 。我选择了最后一个语句,因为这个语句比较复杂一点。开始的时候单独执行一次发现他们的差别不大,就差几个毫秒,后来想让他们多执行几次,连续执行 10
1 /* with查询 */
2 declare @withquery varchar ( 5000 )
3 declare @execcount int = 0
4 set @withquery = ' with TheseEmployees as(
5 select empid from hr.employees where country=N '' USA '' ),
6 CharacteristicFunctions as(
7 select custid,
8 case when custid in (select custid from sales.orders as o where o.empid=e.empid) then 1 else 0 end as charfun
9 from sales.customers as c cross join TheseEmployees as e)
10 select custid from CharacteristicFunctions group by custid having min(charfun)=1 order by custid
11 '
12 while @execcount < 10
13 begin
14 exec ( @withquery );
15 set @execcount = @execcount + 1
16 end
18 /* 子查询 */
19 declare @subquery varchar ( 5000 )
20 declare @execcount int = 0
21 set @subquery = ' select custid from Sales.Orders where empid in
22 (select empid from HR.Employees where country = N '' USA '' ) group by custid
23 having count(distinct empid)=(select count(*) from HR.Employees where country = N '' USA '' );
24 '
25 while @execcount < 10
26 begin
27 exec ( @subquery );
28 set @execcount = @execcount + 1
29 end
从 SQL Server Profile 中截图如下
从图中可以看到子查询语句的执行时间要少于with语句,我觉得主要是with查询中有一个cross join做了笛卡尔积的关系,于是又实验了上面的那个简单一点的,下面是测试语句。
1 /* with语句 */
2 declare @withquery varchar ( 5000 )
3 declare @execcount int = 0
4 set @withquery = ' with c(orderyear,custid) as(
5 select YEAR(orderdate),custid from sales.orders)
6 select orderyear,COUNT(distinct(custid)) numCusts from c group by c.orderyear '
7 while @execcount < 100
8 begin
9 exec ( @withquery );
10 set @execcount = @execcount + 1
11 end
13 /* 子查询 */
14 declare @subquery varchar ( 5000 )
15 declare @execcount int = 0
16 set @subquery = ' select orderyear,COUNT(distinct(custid)) numCusts
17 from (select YEAR(orderdate),custid from sales.orders) as D(orderyear,custid)
18 group by orderyear '
19 while @execcount < 100
20 begin
21 exec ( @subquery );
22 set @execcount = @execcount + 1
23 end