使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

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       It is very easy for us to implement sql tuning by toad.  We need to do is just give complex sql statement to toad. The article
give you some examples to demonstrate how to tuning sql by toad for oracle.


1. Get execution plan
Editor  --> Explain plan current SQL  or CTRL + E
  使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

2. Get statistics/Auto Trace
Enable Auto Trace panel.

使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

or you can right click and choose auto trace to enable it in SQL editor blank.

使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化


3. Get statistics after executed sql.
  使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

4. Tuning SQL

使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

Executed sql

  使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

Then current SQL will be executed and many alternative sql statement will be generated.


5. Compare result
  使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化

From above using where clause replace having clause is fine.

Actually SQL tuning tools is derived from Quest SQL optimizer. If you learn more please go through  http://www.quest.com/sql-optimizer-for-oracle/

Although  SQL tuning optimizer help us a lot ,master SQL tuning we should have deep understand such like sql execution plan,
auto trace statistics, table join, index and so on.

The demo is based on Toad for Oracle

Author : Robinson Cheng

Blog: http://blog.csdn.net/robinson_0612


使用 Toad 实现 SQL 优化




QQ号联系: 360901061



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