OpenCascade BRep Format Description
摘要Abstract:本文结合OpenCascade的BRep格式描述文档和源程序,对BRep格式进行分析,详细说明BRep的数据组织形式。结合源程序,可以对OpenCascade中Modeling Data模块中的模型数据结构进行理解。
关键字Key Words:OpenCascade, BRep Format, ModelingData
一、引言 Introduction
OpenCascade中的BRep格式主要用来存储3D模型,也可用来存储由下列元素组成的模型:vertices, edges, wires, faces, shells, solids, compsolids, compounds, edge triangulations, face triangulations, polylines on triangulations, space location and orientation.
l 该部分的示例;
l 该部分的类BNF定义;
l 该部分的详细说明;
l 该部分的源程序片段。
二、通用结构 Format Common Structure
1) <\n>:换行;
2) <_\n>:
3) <_>:空格;
4) <flag>:标志位:0和1;
5) <int>:整数,范围-231到231-1;
6) <real>:实数,范围-1.7976931348623159X10308到1.7976931348623158X10308;
7) <2D point>:二维点,两个实数;
8) <3D point>:三维点,三个实数;
9) <2D direction>:二维方向矢量,两个实数,平方和为1,即为单位方向矢量;
10) <3D direction>:三维方向矢量,三个实数,平方和为1,即为单位方向矢量;
11) <+>
1) <content type>
2) <version>
3) <locations>
4) <geometry>
5) <shapes>
<content type>部分:
<content type>也可以有其它的值。
三、<locations>部分 Section <locations>
BNF 定义:
<location data 1>定义了3X4的矩阵Q,描述了三维空间的线性变换,并满足如下约定:
矩阵Q是线性变换矩阵,它可以通过矩阵乘法将一个点(x, y, z)变换成另外一点(u, v, w):
1) 平移变换矩阵:
2) 绕任意轴旋转的变换矩阵,轴的方向为D(Dx, Dy, Dz),旋转角度ψ:
3) 缩放变换矩阵:
4) 中心对称变换矩阵:
5) 轴对称变换矩阵:
6) 平面对称变换矩阵:
<location data 2>解释为组合变换的幂。<location data 2>是整数对li, pi的序列。这个序列将被解释为:
Lli是<location record>部分的变换矩阵。
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : Read 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 void TopTools_LocationSet::Read(Standard_IStream& IS) 6 { 7 myMap.Clear(); 8 9 char buffer[ 255 ]; 10 Standard_Integer l1,p; 11 12 IS >> buffer; 13 if (strcmp(buffer, " Locations " )) { 14 cout << " Not a location table " << endl; 15 return ; 16 } 17 18 Standard_Integer i, nbLoc; 19 IS >> nbLoc; 20 21 TopLoc_Location L; 22 gp_Trsf T; 23 24 // OCC19559 25 Message_ProgressSentry PS(GetProgress(), " Locations " , 0 , nbLoc, 1 ); 26 for (i = 1 ; i <= nbLoc&& PS.More(); i++ , PS.Next()) { 27 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull() ) 28 GetProgress()-> Show(); 29 30 Standard_Integer typLoc; 31 IS >> typLoc; 32 33 if (typLoc == 1 ) { 34 ReadTrsf(T,IS); 35 L = T; 36 } 37 38 else if (typLoc == 2 ) { 39 L = TopLoc_Location(); 40 IS >> l1; 41 while (l1 != 0 ) { 42 IS >> p; 43 TopLoc_Location L1 = myMap(l1); 44 L = L1.Powered(p) * L; 45 IS >> l1; 46 } 47 } 48 49 if (! L.IsIdentity()) myMap.Add(L); 50 } 51 }
其中变量nbLoc是<location record count>的值,成员变量myMap是TopLoc_Location的一个map。当是<location record 1>时把<location data 1>都放到TopLoc_Location的map中。当是<location record 2>时将li的变换矩阵TopLoc_Location乘pi次方。<flag>0表示<location data 2>的结束。
1.<2D curves>
2.<3D curves>
3.<3D polygons>
4.<polygons on triangulations>
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadGeometry 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 void BRepTools_ShapeSet::ReadGeometry(Standard_IStream& IS) 6 { 7 // OCC19559 8 myCurves2d.SetProgress(GetProgress()); 9 myCurves.SetProgress(GetProgress()); 10 mySurfaces.SetProgress(GetProgress()); 11 12 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull()) { 13 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 14 GetProgress()->NewScope ( 15 , " 2D Curves " ); 15 } 16 myCurves2d.Read(IS); 17 18 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull()) { 19 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 20 GetProgress()-> EndScope(); 21 GetProgress()-> Show(); 22 23 GetProgress()->NewScope ( 15 , " 3D Curves " ); 24 } 25 myCurves.Read(IS); 26 27 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull()) { 28 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 29 GetProgress()-> EndScope(); 30 GetProgress()-> Show(); 31 32 GetProgress()->NewScope ( 10 , " 3D Polygons " ); 33 } 34 ReadPolygon3D(IS); 35 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull() ) { 36 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 37 GetProgress()-> EndScope(); 38 GetProgress()-> Show(); 39 40 GetProgress()->NewScope ( 10 , " Polygons On Triangulation " ); 41 } 42 ReadPolygonOnTriangulation(IS); 43 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull()) { 44 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 45 GetProgress()-> EndScope(); 46 GetProgress()-> Show(); 47 48 GetProgress()->NewScope ( 10 , " Surfaces " ); 49 } 50 mySurfaces.Read(IS); 51 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull() ) { 52 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 53 GetProgress()-> EndScope(); 54 GetProgress()-> Show(); 55 56 GetProgress()->NewScope ( 15 , " Triangulations " ); 57 } 58 ReadTriangulation(IS); 59 if ( ! GetProgress().IsNull()) { 60 if ( GetProgress()->UserBreak() ) return ; 61 GetProgress()-> EndScope(); 62 GetProgress()-> Show(); 63 } 64 }
4.1 子部分<3D curves>
1 #define LINE 1 2 #define CIRCLE 2 3 #define ELLIPSE 3 4 #define PARABOLA 4 5 #define HYPERBOLA 5 6 #define BEZIER 6 7 #define BSPLINE 7 8 #define TRIMMED 8 9 #define OFFSET 9 10 // ======================================================================= 11 // function : ReadCurve 12 // purpose : 13 // ======================================================================= 14 Standard_IStream& GeomTools_CurveSet::ReadCurve(Standard_IStream& IS, 15 Handle(Geom_Curve)& C) 16 { 17 Standard_Integer ctype; 18 19 try { 20 OCC_CATCH_SIGNALS 21 IS >> ctype; 22 switch (ctype) { 23 24 case LINE : 25 { 26 Handle(Geom_Line) CC; 27 IS >> CC; 28 C = CC; 29 } 30 break ; 31 32 case CIRCLE : 33 { 34 Handle(Geom_Circle) CC; 35 IS >> CC; 36 C = CC; 37 } 38 break ; 39 40 case ELLIPSE : 41 { 42 Handle(Geom_Ellipse) CC; 43 IS >> CC; 44 C = CC; 45 } 46 break ; 47 48 case PARABOLA : 49 { 50 Handle(Geom_Parabola) CC; 51 IS >> CC; 52 C = CC; 53 } 54 break ; 55 56 case HYPERBOLA : 57 { 58 Handle(Geom_Hyperbola) CC; 59 IS >> CC; 60 C = CC; 61 } 62 break ; 63 64 case BEZIER : 65 { 66 Handle(Geom_BezierCurve) CC; 67 IS >> CC; 68 C = CC; 69 } 70 break ; 71 72 case BSPLINE : 73 { 74 Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve) CC; 75 IS >> CC; 76 C = CC; 77 } 78 break ; 79 80 case TRIMMED : 81 { 82 Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve) CC; 83 IS >> CC; 84 C = CC; 85 } 86 break ; 87 88 case OFFSET : 89 { 90 Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve) CC; 91 IS >> CC; 92 C = CC; 93 } 94 break ; 95 96 default : 97 { 98 Handle(Geom_Curve) CC; 99 GeomTools::GetUndefinedTypeHandler()-> ReadCurve(ctype,IS,CC); 100 C = CC; 101 } 102 } 103 } 104 catch (Standard_Failure) { 105 #ifdef DEB 106 Handle(Standard_Failure) anExc = Standard_Failure::Caught(); 107 cout << " EXCEPTION in GeomTools_CurveSet::ReadCurve(..)!!! " << endl; 108 cout << anExc << endl; 109 #endif 110 C = NULL; 111 } 112 return IS; 113 }
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadPnt 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, gp_Pnt& P) 6 { 7 Standard_Real X= 0 .,Y= 0 .,Z= 0 .; 8 IS >> X >> Y >> Z; 9 P.SetCoord(X,Y,Z); 10 return IS; 11 } 12 13 // ======================================================================= 14 // function : ReadDir 15 // purpose : 16 // ======================================================================= 17 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, gp_Dir& D) 18 { 19 Standard_Real X= 0 .,Y= 0 .,Z= 0 .; 20 IS >> X >> Y >> Z; 21 D.SetCoord(X,Y,Z); 22 return IS; 23 }
4.1.1 <3D curve record 1>-Line
<3D curve record 1>定义了直线。直线数据由一个三维点P和一个三维方向矢量D组成。通过点P且方向为D的直线由下面的参数方程来定义:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_Line)& L) 7 { 8 gp_Pnt P( 0 ., 0 ., 0 .); 9 gp_Dir AX( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .); 10 IS >> P >> AX; 11 L = new Geom_Line(P,AX); 12 return IS; 13 }
4.1.2 <3D curve record 2>-Circle
<3D curve record 2>定义了圆。圆的数据包含一个三维点P,一个正交坐标系的三个轴的方向N,Dx,Dy,还有一个非负的实数r。其中点P为圆心坐标,圆位于平面的法向量为N的平面上,圆的半径为r。圆的参数方程如下所示:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_Circle)& C) 7 { 8 gp_Pnt P( 0 ., 0 ., 0 .); 9 gp_Dir A( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AX( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AY( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .); 10 Standard_Real R= 0 .; 11 IS >> P >> A >> AX >> AY >> R; 12 C = new Geom_Circle(gp_Ax2(P,A,AX),R); 13 return IS; 14 }
4.1.3 <3D curve record 3>-Ellipse
<3D curve record 3>定义了椭圆。椭圆的数据包含三维点P,三维正交坐标系N、Dmaj、Dmin和两个非负实数rmaj和rmin,且rmin<=rmaj。椭圆位于中心点P,法向量为N的平面上,且长轴、短轴的方向分别为Dmaj, Dmin,长轴、短轴上的半径分别为rmaj, rmin。椭圆的参数方程定义如下所示:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_Ellipse)& E) 7 { 8 gp_Pnt P( 0 ., 0 ., 0 .); 9 gp_Dir A( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AX( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AY( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .); 10 Standard_Real R1= 0 .,R2= 0 .; 11 IS >> P >> A >> AX >> AY >> R1 >> R2; 12 E = new Geom_Ellipse(gp_Ax2(P,A,AX),R1,R2); 13 return IS; 14 }
4.1.4 <3D curve record 4>-Parabola
<3D curve record 4>定义了抛物线。抛物线数据包含三维点P,三维正交坐标系坐标轴方向N,Dx,Dy和一个非负的实数f。抛物线通过点P,且位于法向量为N的平面上,焦点长度为f,其参数方程如下所示:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_Parabola)& C) 7 { 8 gp_Pnt P( 0 ., 0 ., 0 .); 9 gp_Dir A( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AX( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AY( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .); 10 Standard_Real R1= 0 .; 11 IS >> P >> A >> AX >> AY >> R1; 12 C = new Geom_Parabola(gp_Ax2(P,A,AX),R1); 13 return IS; 14 }
4.1.5 <3D curve record 5>-Hyperbola
<3D curve record 5>定义了双曲线。双曲线定义数据有三维点P,三维正交坐标系坐标轴方向为N,Dx,Dy和两个非负实数Kx,Ky。双曲线过P点且法向量为N的平面上,其参数方程如下所示:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_Hyperbola)& H) 7 { 8 gp_Pnt P( 0 ., 0 ., 0 .); 9 gp_Dir A( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AX( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .),AY( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .); 10 Standard_Real R1= 0 .,R2= 0 .; 11 IS >> P >> A >> AX >> AY >> R1 >> R2; 12 H = new Geom_Hyperbola(gp_Ax2(P,A,AX),R1,R2); 13 return IS; 14 }
4.1.6 <3D curve record 6>-Bezier Curve
<3D curve record 6>定义了Bezier曲线。Bezier曲线数据包含有理标志r,曲线的次数m(degree m <= 25查看源代码可知OpenCascade可处理的B样条次数不超过25)和带权的控制点(weight poles)。当有理标志位r=0时,weight poles就是m+1个三维点:B0,B1...Bn;当有理标志位r=1时,weight poles就是带权的控制点B0 h0... Bm hm。Bi是三维点,hi是[0,m]正实数,即权因子。当有理标志位r=0时,即不是有理Bezier曲线时,hi=1。Bezier曲线参数方程如下所示:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_BezierCurve)& B) 7 { 8 Standard_Boolean rational= Standard_False; 9 IS >> rational; 10 11 // poles and weights 12 Standard_Integer i= 0 ,degree= 0 ; 13 IS >> degree; 14 15 TColgp_Array1OfPnt poles( 1 ,degree+ 1 ); 16 TColStd_Array1OfReal weights( 1 ,degree+ 1 ); 17 18 for (i = 1 ; i <= degree+ 1 ; i++ ) { 19 IS >> poles(i); 20 if (rational) 21 IS >> weights(i); 22 } 23 24 if (rational) 25 B = new Geom_BezierCurve(poles,weights); 26 else 27 B = new Geom_BezierCurve(poles); 28 29 return IS; 30 }
4.1.7 <3D curve record 7>-B-Spline curve
<3D curve record 7>定义了B-Spline曲线。B-Spline曲线包含了有理标志位r,曲线次数m<=25,控制点数n>=2,重节点数k,带权控制点wieght poles和重节点multiplicity knots。
当有理标志位r=0时,是非有理B样条曲线,weight poles有n个三维点B1,...,Bn;当有理标志位r=1时,是有理B样条曲线,weight poles是n个带权控制点对:B1, h1, .... Bn, hn。这里Bi表示一个三维点,hi表示一个[0,1]正实数。当有理标志位r=0时,hi=1。
重节点有k对u1, q1, ... uk, qk。这里ui是重复度为qi>=1的节点。
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_BSplineCurve)& B) 7 { 8 9 Standard_Boolean rational=Standard_False,periodic= Standard_False; 10 IS >> rational >> periodic; 11 12 // poles and weights 13 Standard_Integer i= 0 ,degree= 0 ,nbpoles= 0 ,nbknots= 0 ; 14 IS >> degree >> nbpoles >> nbknots; 15 16 TColgp_Array1OfPnt poles( 1 ,nbpoles); 17 TColStd_Array1OfReal weights( 1 ,nbpoles); 18 19 for (i = 1 ; i <= nbpoles; i++ ) { 20 IS >> poles(i); 21 if (rational) 22 IS >> weights(i); 23 } 24 25 TColStd_Array1OfReal knots( 1 ,nbknots); 26 TColStd_Array1OfInteger mults( 1 ,nbknots); 27 28 for (i = 1 ; i <= nbknots; i++ ) { 29 IS >> knots(i) >> mults(i); 30 } 31 32 if (rational) 33 B = new Geom_BSplineCurve(poles,weights,knots,mults,degree,periodic); 34 else 35 B = new Geom_BSplineCurve(poles,knots,mults,degree,periodic); 36 37 return IS; 38 }
4.1.8 <3D curve record 8>-Trimmed Curve
<3D curve record 8>定义了裁剪曲线(trimmed curve)。裁剪曲线数据包含:两个实数umin,umax和<3D curve record>,且umin<umax。裁剪曲线是将<3D curve record>描述的曲线B限制在[umin,umax]。裁剪曲线的参数方程如下所示:
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 6 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 7 Handle(Geom_TrimmedCurve)& C) 8 { 9 Standard_Real p1= 0 .,p2= 0 .; 10 IS >> p1 >> p2; 11 Handle(Geom_Curve) BC; 12 GeomTools_CurveSet::ReadCurve(IS,BC); 13 C = new Geom_TrimmedCurve(BC,p1,p2); 14 return IS; 15 }
4.1.9 <3D curve record 9>-Offset Curve
<3D curve record 9>定义了偏移曲线(offset curve)。偏移曲线的数据包含偏移距离d,偏移方向D和曲线数据<3D curve record>。偏移曲线是将<3D curve record>描述的曲线沿矢量
1 // ======================================================================= 2 // function : ReadCurve 3 // purpose : 4 // ======================================================================= 5 static Standard_IStream& operator >>(Standard_IStream& IS, 6 Handle(Geom_OffsetCurve)& C) 7 { 8 Standard_Real p= 0 .; 9 IS >> p; 10 gp_Dir D( 1 ., 0 ., 0 .); 11 IS >> D; 12 Handle(Geom_Curve) BC; 13 GeomTools_CurveSet::ReadCurve(IS,BC); 14 C = new Geom_OffsetCurve(BC,p,D); 15 return IS; 16 }