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Two very useful custom selectors in the jQuery library are :oddand :even. Let's take a look at how we can use one of them for basic table striping, given the following tables:


    <h2>Shakespeare's Plays</h2>



<td>As You Like It</td>





<td>All's Well that Ends Well</td>















<td>Romeo and Juliet</td>





<td>Henry IV, Part I</td>





<td>Henry V</td>





<h2>Shakespeare's Sonnets</h2>



<td>The Fair Youth</td>




<td>The Dark Lady</td>




<td>The Rival Poet</td>






With minimal styles applied from our stylesheet, these headings and tables appear quite plain. The table has a solid white background, with no styling separating one row from the next:

(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)


(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)

Now we can add a style to the stylesheet for all table rows, and use an altclass for the odd rows:


    tr {

background-color: #fff;


.alt {

background-color: #ccc; 


Finally, we write our jQuery code, attaching the class to the odd-numbered table rows (<tr>tags):



    $(document).ready(function() {




      tr {

background-color: #fff;


.alt {

background-color: #ccc; 

      $(document).ready(function() {


But wait! Why use the :evenselector for odd-numbered rows? Well, just as with the :eq()selector, the :evenand :oddselectors use JavaScript's native zero-based numbering. Therefore, the first row counts as 0 (even) and the second row counts as 1 (odd), and so on. With this in mind, we can expect our simple bit of code to produce tables that look similar to the following screenshot:
(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)
但是,等一下,为什么使用:even给所有的偶数行?因为,正如:eq()选择器一样,:even :odd使用了js原生的零基础的数字,因此,第一行数出来是0(偶数),第二行是不是(基数)等等。记住这个,我们我们期望我们简单的一点点代码创造一个看起来像下面的截屏一样的表格:
(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)
Note that for the second table, this result may not be what we intend. As the last row in the Playstable has the "alternate" gray background, the first row in the Sonnetstable has the plain white background. One way to avoid this type of problem is to use the :nth-child()selector instead, which counts an element's position relative to its parent element, rather than relative to all the elements selected so far. This selector can take either a number, odd, or evenas its argument.
      $(document).ready(function() {


      $(document).ready(function() {


As before, note that :nth-child()is the only jQuery selector that is one-based. To achieve the same row striping as we did above—except with consistent behavior for the second table—we need to use oddrather than evenas the argument. With this selector in place, both tables are now striped nicely, as shown in the following screenshot:
(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)
(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)
For one final custom-selector touch, let's suppose for some reason we want to highlight any table cell that referred to one of the Henryplays. All we have to do—after adding a class to the stylesheet to make the text bold and italicized (.highlight {font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;})—is add a line to our jQuery code, using the :contains()selector, as shown in the following code snippet:
      $(document).ready(function() {



在最后一个接触定制选择器,我们假设由于一些原因,我们想要高亮所有的涉及到Henry展示出来的的表格。我们需要做的是——在添加一个可以使文字加粗和斜体的类到样式表(.highlight {font-weight: bold; font-style: italic;})中以后——在我们的jquery代码中添加一行代码,使用:contains()选择器,正如下面的代码片段显示的那样。
      $(document).ready(function() {



So, now we can see our lovely striped table with the Henryplays prominently featured:
(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)
(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)
It's important to note that the :contains()selector is case-sensitive. Using $('td:contains(henry)')instead, without the uppercase "H," would select no cells.
Admittedly, there are ways to achieve the row striping and text highlighting without jQuery—or any client-side programming, for that matter. Nevertheless, jQuery, along with CSS, is a great alternative for this type of styling in cases where the content is generated dynamically and we don't have access to either the HTML or server-side code.




(3)选择元素——(9)为交替的列加样式(Styling alternate rows)




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