新公司,新工作试着用sql 存储过程写调用,所有结果都返回XML数据集,这是第一个成品,贴出来以做留念.
2 -- Author: <tanke>
3 -- Create date: <2007-4-17>
4 -- Description: <统计访问量和综合浏览量>
5 -- exec sp_sys_Master '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="unicode" ?><report action="3" gid="-774702857" etime="2007-4-15" stime="2007-4-10" />'
6 -- =============================================
7 ALTER PROCEDURE [ dbo ] . [ SP_GetData_BrowseVisit ]
8 (
9 @hDoc int
10 )
11 as
12 Begin
13 -- 参数定义
14 declare @stime datetime , @etime datetime , @type nvarchar ( 30 ), @gid int
15 declare @tmptab table (cid int ,timeid int ,the_date datetime ,asc_code int )
16 -- 写入临时表视图
17 INSERT INTO @tmptab (cid,timeid,the_date,asc_code)
18 SELECT c.id,b.id, b.the_date,c.asc_code
19 FROM dbo.Fact_PageAccess AS a,dbo.Dim_Date AS b,dbo.Dim_Company AS c
20 WHERE a.timeid = b.id AND a.cid = c.id
22 /**/ /* 生成返回 */
23 SELECT @stime = stime, @etime = etime, @gid = gid from openxml( @hDoc , ' //report ' , 1 ) WITH (stime datetime ,etime datetime ,gid int )
24 -- 查询
25 SELECT 1 AS tag, null AS parent, ' accountsum/browsesum ' as [ report!1!type ] , @gid as [ report!1!gid ] , convert ( varchar ( 30 ), @stime , 111 ) as [ report!1!stime ] , convert ( varchar ( 30 ), @etime , 111 ) as [ report!1!etime ] , null as [ detail!2!date ] , null as [ detail!2!count ] , null as [ detail!2!bcount ]
27 select 2 , 1 , null , null , null , null ,the_date, COUNT ( * ) AS count ,
28 ( SELECT COUNT ( * ) AS bcount FROM dbo.Fact_SiteAccess AS a WHERE (a.timeid = t.timeid AND a.cid = t.cid)) AS bcount
29 FROM @tmptab t WHERE asc_code = @gid AND ( DATEDIFF (d, @etime , the_date) <= 0 ) AND ( DATEDIFF (d, @stime , the_date) >= 0 )
30 GROUP BY the_date,t.timeid,t.cid
32 End
33 /**/ /*
34 -- 返回结果
35 <xmldata>
36 <report type="accountsum/browsesum" stime="2006-12-01" etime="2006-12-04">
37 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
38 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
39 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
40 </report>
41 </xmldata>
43 <xmldata>
44 <action id="2" />
45 <query gid="-774702857" stime="2007-04-11" etime="2007-04-11"/>
46 </xmldata>
47 */
2 -- Author: <tanke>
3 -- Create date: <2007-4-17>
4 -- Description: <统计访问量和综合浏览量>
5 -- exec sp_sys_Master '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="unicode" ?><report action="3" gid="-774702857" etime="2007-4-15" stime="2007-4-10" />'
6 -- =============================================
7 ALTER PROCEDURE [ dbo ] . [ SP_GetData_BrowseVisit ]
8 (
9 @hDoc int
10 )
11 as
12 Begin
13 -- 参数定义
14 declare @stime datetime , @etime datetime , @type nvarchar ( 30 ), @gid int
15 declare @tmptab table (cid int ,timeid int ,the_date datetime ,asc_code int )
16 -- 写入临时表视图
17 INSERT INTO @tmptab (cid,timeid,the_date,asc_code)
18 SELECT c.id,b.id, b.the_date,c.asc_code
19 FROM dbo.Fact_PageAccess AS a,dbo.Dim_Date AS b,dbo.Dim_Company AS c
20 WHERE a.timeid = b.id AND a.cid = c.id
22 /**/ /* 生成返回 */
23 SELECT @stime = stime, @etime = etime, @gid = gid from openxml( @hDoc , ' //report ' , 1 ) WITH (stime datetime ,etime datetime ,gid int )
24 -- 查询
25 SELECT 1 AS tag, null AS parent, ' accountsum/browsesum ' as [ report!1!type ] , @gid as [ report!1!gid ] , convert ( varchar ( 30 ), @stime , 111 ) as [ report!1!stime ] , convert ( varchar ( 30 ), @etime , 111 ) as [ report!1!etime ] , null as [ detail!2!date ] , null as [ detail!2!count ] , null as [ detail!2!bcount ]
27 select 2 , 1 , null , null , null , null ,the_date, COUNT ( * ) AS count ,
28 ( SELECT COUNT ( * ) AS bcount FROM dbo.Fact_SiteAccess AS a WHERE (a.timeid = t.timeid AND a.cid = t.cid)) AS bcount
29 FROM @tmptab t WHERE asc_code = @gid AND ( DATEDIFF (d, @etime , the_date) <= 0 ) AND ( DATEDIFF (d, @stime , the_date) >= 0 )
30 GROUP BY the_date,t.timeid,t.cid
32 End
33 /**/ /*
34 -- 返回结果
35 <xmldata>
36 <report type="accountsum/browsesum" stime="2006-12-01" etime="2006-12-04">
37 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
38 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
39 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
40 </report>
41 </xmldata>
43 <xmldata>
44 <action id="2" />
45 <query gid="-774702857" stime="2007-04-11" etime="2007-04-11"/>
46 </xmldata>
47 */
27 -- Author: <tanke>
28 -- Create date: <2007-4-17>
29 -- Description: <统计访问量和综合浏览量>
30 -- exec sp_sys_Master '<xmldata><action id="3" /><query gid="-774702857" etime="2007-4-15" stime="2007-4-10" /></xmldata>'
31 -- =============================================
32 ALTER PROCEDURE [ dbo ] . [ SP_GetData_BrowseVisit ]
33 (
34 @hDoc int
35 )
36 as
38 -- 消除多余的网络流量
41 -- 参数定义
42 DECLARE @SQL nvarchar ( 4000 ), @stime nvarchar ( 10 ), @etime nvarchar ( 10 ), @type nvarchar ( 30 ), @gid bigint , @sid int , @eid int , @cid int , @s int , @e int , @month nvarchar ( 2 ), @part int , @websiteid int ;
43 -- 条件参数
44 DECLARE @frmurlid int , @frm nvarchar ( 30 ), @frmtypeid int , @frmtype nvarchar ( 30 ), @areaid int , @area nvarchar ( 30 ), @networkid int , @network nvarchar ( 30 ), @shourid int , @ehourid int , @keyid int , @keyname nvarchar ( 30 )
45 -- 临时表
46 DECLARE @tmptable TABLE ( [ id ] [ bigint ] , [ cid ] [ int ] , [ sid ] [ int ] , [ websiteid ] int , [ pageid ] [ bigint ] , [ timeid ] [ int ] , [ intime ] [ smalldatetime ] , [ outtime ] [ smalldatetime ] , [ spantime ] [ int ] , [ pagevalue ] [ int ] , [ pvalue ] [ int ] , [ vorder ] [ int ] , [ Tag ] [ int ] ,areaid int ,networkid int ,frmurlid int ,frmtypeid int ,keyid int ,hourid int )
48 -- 生成返回
49 SELECT @stime = stime, @etime = etime, @gid = gid, @frm = isnull (frm, '' ), @frmtype = frmtype, @area = area, @network = network, @shourid = isnull (shourid, 0 ), @ehourid = isnull (ehourid, 0 ), @keyname = isnull (keyname, ' 未知 ' ) from openxml( @hDoc , ' //query ' , 1 ) WITH (stime nvarchar ( 10 ),etime nvarchar ( 10 ),gid bigint ,frm nvarchar ( 30 ),frmtype nvarchar ( 30 ),area nvarchar ( 30 ),network nvarchar ( 30 ),shourid int ,ehourid int ,keyname nvarchar ( 30 ));
51 -- 查询条件 --
52 -- 公司ID和站点ID
53 SELECT @cid = cid, @websiteid = id FROM dbo.Dim_WebSite WHERE asc_code = @gid ;
54 -- 开始时间
55 SELECT @sid = id FROM dbo.Dim_Date WHERE the_date = @stime
56 -- 结束时间
57 SELECT @eid = id FROM dbo.Dim_Date WHERE the_date = @etime
58 -- 平台来源
59 SELECT @frmurlid = id FROM Dim_ComeFrom WHERE [ name ] = @frm
60 -- 来源定义
61 SELECT @frmtypeid = id FROM Dim_ComeFromType WHERE frmtype = @frmtype
62 -- 访客所在地域 (省份或城市)
63 SELECT @areaid = id FROM Dim_Area WHERE city = @area OR province = @area
64 -- 网络提供商
65 SELECT @networkid = id FROM dim_network WHERE network = @network
66 -- 时间段(开始/结束)
67 if @shourid > 0
68 SELECT @shourid = @shourid + 1
69 if @ehourid > 0
70 SELECT @ehourid = @ehourid + 1
71 -- 关键字
72 SELECT @keyid = id FROM Dim_KeyWord WHERE keywordname = @keyname
73 select @part = @cid / 200 + 1 -- -----查找分区
75 set @s = cast ( substring ( @stime , 6 , 2 ) as int )
76 set @e = cast ( substring ( @etime , 6 , 2 ) as int )
77 if @s = @e
78 begin
79 if @s < 10
80 set @month = ' 0 ' + cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 1 ))
81 else
82 set @month = cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 2 ))
83 set @SQL = ' SELECT a.*,b.areaid,b.networkid,b.frmurlid,b.frmtypeid,b.keyid,b.hourid FROM Fact_PageAccess_ ' + @month + ' a ' +
84 ' inner join Fact_SiteAccess_ ' + @month + ' b on a.sid=b.sid ' +
85 ' WHERE a.timeid>= ' + cast ( @sid as nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' AND a.timeid<= ' + cast ( @eid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
86 ' and a.websiteid= ' + cast ( @websiteid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
87 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](a.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 )) +
88 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](b.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 ))
89 end
90 else
91 begin
92 set @SQL = ' select * from ( '
93 while @s < @e + 1
94 begin
95 if @s < 10
96 set @month = ' 0 ' + cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 1 ))
97 else
98 set @month = cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 2 ))
99 set @SQL = @SQL + '
100 SELECT a.*,b.areaid,b.networkid,b.frmurlid,b.frmtypeid,b.keyid,b.hourid from Fact_PageAccess_ ' + @month + ' a ' +
101 ' inner join Fact_SiteAccess_ ' + @month + ' b on a.sid=b.sid ' +
102 ' WHERE a.timeid>= ' + cast ( @sid as nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' AND a.timeid<= ' + cast ( @eid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
103 ' and a.websiteid= ' + cast ( @websiteid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
104 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](a.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 )) +
105 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](b.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 ))
106 if @s < @e
107 set @SQL = @SQL + ' UNION ALL '
108 else
109 set @SQL = @SQL + ' ) z where 1=1 '
110 set @s = @s + 1
111 end
112 END
114 if @frmurlid > 0
115 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and frmurlid= ' + cast ( @frmurlid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
116 if @networkid > 0
117 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and networkid= ' + cast ( @networkid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
118 if @areaid > 0
119 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and areaid= ' + cast ( @areaid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
120 if @keyid > 0
121 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and keyid= ' + cast ( @keyid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
122 if @frmtypeid > 0
123 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and frmtypeid= ' + cast ( @frmtypeid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
124 if @shourid > 0
125 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and hourid>= ' + cast ( @shourid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
126 if @ehourid > 0
127 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and hourid<= ' + cast ( @ehourid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
130 INSERT INTO @tmptable
131 EXEC ( @SQL )
134 1 AS tag,
135 null AS parent,
136 ' accountsum/browsesum ' AS [ report!1!type ] ,
137 @stime AS [ report!1!stime ] ,
138 @etime AS [ report!1!etime ] ,
139 null AS [ detail!2!date ] ,
140 null AS [ detail!2!count ] ,
141 null AS [ detail!2!bcount ]
144 2 ,
145 1 ,
146 null ,
147 null ,
148 null ,
149 b.the_date,
150 COUNT ( DISTINCT a.sid) count ,
151 COUNT ( * ) bcount
152 FROM @tmptable a
153 INNER JOIN dbo.Dim_Date b ON b.id = a.timeid
154 GROUP BY b.the_date
155 FOR XML EXPLICIT,root( ' xmldata ' ),type
156 End
157 /*
158 -- 返回结果
159 <xmldata>
160 <report type="accountsum/browsesum" stime="2006-12-01" etime="2006-12-04">
161 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
162 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
163 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
164 </report>
165 </xmldata>
166 */
27 -- Author: <tanke>
28 -- Create date: <2007-4-17>
29 -- Description: <统计访问量和综合浏览量>
30 -- exec sp_sys_Master '<xmldata><action id="3" /><query gid="-774702857" etime="2007-4-15" stime="2007-4-10" /></xmldata>'
31 -- =============================================
32 ALTER PROCEDURE [ dbo ] . [ SP_GetData_BrowseVisit ]
33 (
34 @hDoc int
35 )
36 as
38 -- 消除多余的网络流量
41 -- 参数定义
42 DECLARE @SQL nvarchar ( 4000 ), @stime nvarchar ( 10 ), @etime nvarchar ( 10 ), @type nvarchar ( 30 ), @gid bigint , @sid int , @eid int , @cid int , @s int , @e int , @month nvarchar ( 2 ), @part int , @websiteid int ;
43 -- 条件参数
44 DECLARE @frmurlid int , @frm nvarchar ( 30 ), @frmtypeid int , @frmtype nvarchar ( 30 ), @areaid int , @area nvarchar ( 30 ), @networkid int , @network nvarchar ( 30 ), @shourid int , @ehourid int , @keyid int , @keyname nvarchar ( 30 )
45 -- 临时表
46 DECLARE @tmptable TABLE ( [ id ] [ bigint ] , [ cid ] [ int ] , [ sid ] [ int ] , [ websiteid ] int , [ pageid ] [ bigint ] , [ timeid ] [ int ] , [ intime ] [ smalldatetime ] , [ outtime ] [ smalldatetime ] , [ spantime ] [ int ] , [ pagevalue ] [ int ] , [ pvalue ] [ int ] , [ vorder ] [ int ] , [ Tag ] [ int ] ,areaid int ,networkid int ,frmurlid int ,frmtypeid int ,keyid int ,hourid int )
48 -- 生成返回
49 SELECT @stime = stime, @etime = etime, @gid = gid, @frm = isnull (frm, '' ), @frmtype = frmtype, @area = area, @network = network, @shourid = isnull (shourid, 0 ), @ehourid = isnull (ehourid, 0 ), @keyname = isnull (keyname, ' 未知 ' ) from openxml( @hDoc , ' //query ' , 1 ) WITH (stime nvarchar ( 10 ),etime nvarchar ( 10 ),gid bigint ,frm nvarchar ( 30 ),frmtype nvarchar ( 30 ),area nvarchar ( 30 ),network nvarchar ( 30 ),shourid int ,ehourid int ,keyname nvarchar ( 30 ));
51 -- 查询条件 --
52 -- 公司ID和站点ID
53 SELECT @cid = cid, @websiteid = id FROM dbo.Dim_WebSite WHERE asc_code = @gid ;
54 -- 开始时间
55 SELECT @sid = id FROM dbo.Dim_Date WHERE the_date = @stime
56 -- 结束时间
57 SELECT @eid = id FROM dbo.Dim_Date WHERE the_date = @etime
58 -- 平台来源
59 SELECT @frmurlid = id FROM Dim_ComeFrom WHERE [ name ] = @frm
60 -- 来源定义
61 SELECT @frmtypeid = id FROM Dim_ComeFromType WHERE frmtype = @frmtype
62 -- 访客所在地域 (省份或城市)
63 SELECT @areaid = id FROM Dim_Area WHERE city = @area OR province = @area
64 -- 网络提供商
65 SELECT @networkid = id FROM dim_network WHERE network = @network
66 -- 时间段(开始/结束)
67 if @shourid > 0
68 SELECT @shourid = @shourid + 1
69 if @ehourid > 0
70 SELECT @ehourid = @ehourid + 1
71 -- 关键字
72 SELECT @keyid = id FROM Dim_KeyWord WHERE keywordname = @keyname
73 select @part = @cid / 200 + 1 -- -----查找分区
75 set @s = cast ( substring ( @stime , 6 , 2 ) as int )
76 set @e = cast ( substring ( @etime , 6 , 2 ) as int )
77 if @s = @e
78 begin
79 if @s < 10
80 set @month = ' 0 ' + cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 1 ))
81 else
82 set @month = cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 2 ))
83 set @SQL = ' SELECT a.*,b.areaid,b.networkid,b.frmurlid,b.frmtypeid,b.keyid,b.hourid FROM Fact_PageAccess_ ' + @month + ' a ' +
84 ' inner join Fact_SiteAccess_ ' + @month + ' b on a.sid=b.sid ' +
85 ' WHERE a.timeid>= ' + cast ( @sid as nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' AND a.timeid<= ' + cast ( @eid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
86 ' and a.websiteid= ' + cast ( @websiteid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
87 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](a.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 )) +
88 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](b.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 ))
89 end
90 else
91 begin
92 set @SQL = ' select * from ( '
93 while @s < @e + 1
94 begin
95 if @s < 10
96 set @month = ' 0 ' + cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 1 ))
97 else
98 set @month = cast ( @s as nvarchar ( 2 ))
99 set @SQL = @SQL + '
100 SELECT a.*,b.areaid,b.networkid,b.frmurlid,b.frmtypeid,b.keyid,b.hourid from Fact_PageAccess_ ' + @month + ' a ' +
101 ' inner join Fact_SiteAccess_ ' + @month + ' b on a.sid=b.sid ' +
102 ' WHERE a.timeid>= ' + cast ( @sid as nvarchar ( 10 )) + ' AND a.timeid<= ' + cast ( @eid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
103 ' and a.websiteid= ' + cast ( @websiteid as nvarchar ( 10 )) +
104 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](a.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 )) +
105 ' AND $PARTITION.[CidRangePFN](b.cid)= ' + cast ( @part as nvarchar ( 3 ))
106 if @s < @e
107 set @SQL = @SQL + ' UNION ALL '
108 else
109 set @SQL = @SQL + ' ) z where 1=1 '
110 set @s = @s + 1
111 end
112 END
114 if @frmurlid > 0
115 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and frmurlid= ' + cast ( @frmurlid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
116 if @networkid > 0
117 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and networkid= ' + cast ( @networkid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
118 if @areaid > 0
119 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and areaid= ' + cast ( @areaid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
120 if @keyid > 0
121 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and keyid= ' + cast ( @keyid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
122 if @frmtypeid > 0
123 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and frmtypeid= ' + cast ( @frmtypeid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
124 if @shourid > 0
125 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and hourid>= ' + cast ( @shourid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
126 if @ehourid > 0
127 set @SQL = @SQL + ' and hourid<= ' + cast ( @ehourid as nvarchar ( 10 ))
130 INSERT INTO @tmptable
131 EXEC ( @SQL )
134 1 AS tag,
135 null AS parent,
136 ' accountsum/browsesum ' AS [ report!1!type ] ,
137 @stime AS [ report!1!stime ] ,
138 @etime AS [ report!1!etime ] ,
139 null AS [ detail!2!date ] ,
140 null AS [ detail!2!count ] ,
141 null AS [ detail!2!bcount ]
144 2 ,
145 1 ,
146 null ,
147 null ,
148 null ,
149 b.the_date,
150 COUNT ( DISTINCT a.sid) count ,
151 COUNT ( * ) bcount
152 FROM @tmptable a
153 INNER JOIN dbo.Dim_Date b ON b.id = a.timeid
154 GROUP BY b.the_date
155 FOR XML EXPLICIT,root( ' xmldata ' ),type
156 End
157 /*
158 -- 返回结果
159 <xmldata>
160 <report type="accountsum/browsesum" stime="2006-12-01" etime="2006-12-04">
161 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
162 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
163 <detail date="2006-12-01" count="" bcount=""/>
164 </report>
165 </xmldata>
166 */