Explain awakeFromNib, initwithFrame usage

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I am going through the Stanford iphone dev lectures on iTunes and ran into this in Lecture 5. We are trying to ensure a redraw will be done when the device rotates. I have two questions related to this:

  1. what is awakeFromNib, there's no call to this method in the rest of the code, how was it triggered?
  2. what does the codes inside initwithFrame do?

Thank you.



-( void )awakeFromNib {
  [self setup];

-( id )initWithFrame:(CGRect)frame { self =[super initWithFrame:frame];  
if (self){
    [self setup];
  return self; }


awakeFromNib  is called by  NSBundle  when it finishes loading your nib. You've actually got two different code paths your code can take when initializing a view, depending on whether it's loaded from a nib or created at runtime. If it's loaded from a nib, part of the loading will initialize it by calling initWithCoder: , followed by a later call of  awakeFromNib  after all the outlets have been connected. If you create the view programmatically, you initialize it with  initWithFrame:  instead (and awakeFromNib  is never called because it wasn't loaded from a nib).


self is a pointer to the current object (it's implicitly defined for every non-static method). super lets you call the object's superclass's implementation of the current method. The  self = [super init...]  is a convention for how you invoke the superclass's initializer (since it can possibly return a different object). These are fundamental notions in Objective-C and object-oriented programming though, a fair bit beyond the scope of the original question.


Explain awakeFromNib, initwithFrame usage




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