最近正在进行ETL后台系统数据的日志分析,查看运行耗时长的TASK,并找出耗时长的JOB,进行逻辑层面和数据库层面的优化.本文仅从数据库层面上的优化着手(包括SQL语句的调整以及greenplum table dk的调整).查看一个耗时30分钟左右的JOB,找到相应的源表,进行如下分析:
dw=#select gp_segment_id, count ( * ) from tb_name group by gp_segment_id order by count ( * ) desc
gp_segment_id count
65 16655
说明:gp_segment_id是greenplum table里面的一个隐藏列,用来标记该行属于哪个节点.由此可见,该表只分布在一个节点65上(节点信息请查看gp_segment_configuration),而我的gp总共有96个节点,这显然没有利用到gp多节点运算能力,该表的DK值设置的有问题.因此,使用alter table tb_name set distributed by (col1,...)对表的DK值进行重新设置.然后重新运行上面的语句,一方面观察节点数(是否每个节点都分布了),另一方面观察节点的条数(分布是否平衡)。在上述二项观察指标大致满足要求后,请vacuum full、vacuum analyze一样,彻底回收空间+收集统计信息。把耗时长JOB的源表抓出来,逐个分析,整个TASK的执行时长从3小时缩短到2小时左右(主要是之前表设计的太差,才导致有这么大的优化空间),后期就是对逻辑以及SQL的优化,以及提高并发度,这才是王道。
-- 二张表 CREATE TABLE " public "."table_segment_statistics" ( "table_name" varchar ( 200 ) DEFAULT NULL , "segment_count" int4 DEFAULT NULL , "table_rows" int8 DEFAULT NULL ); CREATE TABLE " public "."table_segment_statistics_balance" ( "table_name" varchar ( 200 ) DEFAULT NULL , "segment_id" int4 DEFAULT NULL , "segment_count" int8 DEFAULT NULL ); -- function CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION " public "."analyze_table_dk_balance"(v_schemaname varchar ) RETURNS "pg_catalog"."int4" AS $BODY$ DECLARE v_tb varchar ( 200 ); v_cur_tb cursor for select schemaname || ' . ' || tablename from pg_tables where schemaname <> ' information_schema ' and schemaname <> ' pg_catalog ' and schemaname <> ' gp_toolkit ' and tablename not like ' %prt% ' and schemaname = v_schemaname; BEGIN truncate table public .table_segment_statistics; truncate table public .table_segment_statistics_balance; open v_cur_tb; loop fetch v_cur_tb into v_tb; if not found THEN exit ; end if ; execute ' insert into public.table_segment_statistics select ''' || v_tb || ''' as table_name,count(*) as segment_id,sum(num) as table_rows from (select gp_segment_id,count(*) num from ' || v_tb || ' group by gp_segment_id) t ' ; execute ' insert into public.table_segment_statistics_balance select ''' || v_tb || ''' as table_name,gp_segment_id,count(*) as cnt from ' || v_tb || ' group by gp_segment_id order by gp_segment_id ' ; end loop; RETURN 0 ; end ; $BODY$ LANGUAGE ' plpgsql ' VOLATILE;
-- 96指的是greenplum的节点(我的机器是96个) select * from public .table_segment_statistics where table_rows is not null and segment_count < 96 and table_rows > 10000 order by table_rows desc ; -- 找出比平均值超出10%的节点,这个阀值可以自行调整,另:只统计超过1万行的表,小表没有太大的分析意义 select a."table_name",b.segment_id,a.table_rows / a.segment_count as reldk,b.segment_count from " public ".table_segment_statistics a inner join " public ".table_segment_statistics_balance b on a."table_name" = b."table_name" where a."table_name" is not null and a.table_rows > 10000 and abs (a.table_rows / a.segment_count - b.segment_count) / (a.table_rows / a.segment_count) > 0.1