Jobs in Codility they're hiring

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Jobs in Codility

Jobs at Codility   We are currently looking for:    SOFTWARE ENGINEER (based in Warsaw, Poland)   A job for somebody who wants to take part in forming of a great team around the great product. You will cooperate with other team members to ensure smooth operation of the increasingly complex software behind Codility. You will solve problems surfacing in design and implementation of Codility features. You will suggest and implement refactorings and new functionalities. You will contribute to the planning of Codility strategy and architecture. You will be expected to contribute ideas and you will be entrusted with resources to implement them.   An ideal candidate should:   be fluent in Python, or C++, or Java, or any other contemporary language; be brave and quick learner; have solid background in computer science; turn ideas into actions; feel comfortable working in an informal entrepreneurial environment;   Experience with programming contests (IOI, ACM CPC, Topcoder, etc.) is a big plus.   INTERN (based in Warsaw, Poland)   We are seeking an Intern to work for 3-4 months (June-September) with our IT team in Warsaw, Poland.   Internship projects: hardware measurements of program, mutable programming tasks, language-independent plagiarism detection in source code, automated detection of Codility solutions leaks on-line, advanced sandboxing of code execution using recent developments in Linux kernel, semantic browser of programming problems, design of new WebAPI, multidimensional visualization of massive sets of programming tests results.   An ideal candidate should: be fluent in one of contemporary programming languages; have good command of English; be brave and quick learner; have enthusiasm to work;   To join Codility: Send us an e-mail at  We would like to understand what subjects in software and computing are most interesting to you. Sending your short CV will help too (we really love 1-page succinct PDF CVs).

Jobs in Codility they're hiring




QQ号联系: 360901061



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