Qt and PyQt IBM developerWorkers

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Qt and PyQt

Qt and PyQt

An advanced GUI library for Python

Boudewijn Rempt ( boud@valdyas.org ), Developer, Tryllian
David Mertz ( mertz@gnosis.cx ), Facilitator, Gnosis Software, Inc.


Summary:   The Qt toolkit is a widely-used cross-platform GUI toolkit, available for Windows, Linux, Mac OSX, and handheld platforms. QT has a well-structured, but flexible, object-oriented organization, clear documentation, and an intuitive API. In this article, David Mertz and Boudewijn Rempt look at the Qt library, with a focus on the PyQt bindings that let Python programmers access Qt functionality.

Date:   11 Feb 2003
Level:  Intermediate
Also available in:    Japanese

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Qt and PyQt IBM developerWorkers




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