Find out the DDL in Treegrid, but cannot click on it. Because the element is under a hidden element.
Have tried all below solutions:
2) SeleniumUtil.jsClick(driver, theDDL);
3) Actions action = new Actions(driver);
4) JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
String jsStr = "$('td>div>div:eq("+theDDL+")').click()";
5) JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor)driver;
js.executeScript("arguments[0].click();", theDDL);
In order to click the element ,change it to visible firstly.When we operate manually,actually,we first move the mouse to the row ,and then click the element.
So, when automate the click action,we also need to move the mouse to the row firstly,then the element will be visible,this is the trick.
Hover to the row of DDL, move mouse to the front of the row, then click the DDL would work.
WebElement theRow = this.findBlankBenchmarkRow(); Assert.assertNotSame(theRow, null, "Should find out a blank benchmark row."); Actions action = new Actions(driver); System.out.println("Row size : "+theRow.getSize()); System.out.println(("X offset : "+(theRow.getSize().width)/100)); System.out.println(("Y offset : "+(theRow.getSize().height)/2)); int locx=0; int locy=0; locx=(theRow.getSize().width)/100; locy=(theRow.getSize().height)/2; action.moveToElement(theRow, locx, locy).perform(); SeleniumUtil.sleep(2); WebElement theDDL = theRow.findElement(By.cssSelector("td div.dash-bmk-ddl")); return theDDL;