在网上找了一圈。。也没有找到相关的资料。。一点都没有。。。 还有有大米公开的代码供参考。。。 赶紧把学习的成果记录下来。。
+0x014 SubKeyCounts : [2] Uint4B //SubKeyCounts[0] 子键的个数
+0x01c SubKeyLists : [2] Uint4B //SubKeyLists[0] 子键列表相差本 BIN 的偏移
这里的subKeyList是一个偏移。。指向 CM_KEY_INDEX结构。。最复杂的也是这个结构。。
lf 结构
+ lf
li 结构
ri 结构
可以根据 signature判断当前的index 属于那种结构。。对于每一种结构都有对应的 格式
struct lf_key {
short id; /* 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"lf" = 0x666C or "lh" = 0x686c */
short no_keys; /* 0x0002 Word number of keys */
/* 0x0004 ???? Hash-Records */
union {
struct lf_hash {
long ofs_nk; /* 0x0000 D-Word Offset of corresponding "nk"-Record */
char name[4]; /* 0x0004 D-Word ASCII: the first 4 characters of the key-name, */
} hash[1];
/* WinXP uses a more real hash instead (base 37 of uppercase name chars) */
/* padded with 0's. Case sensitiv! */
struct lh_hash {
long ofs_nk; /* 0x0000 D-Word Offset of corresponding "nk"-Record */
long hash; /* 0x0004 D-Word ASCII: the first 4 characters of the key-name, */
} lh_hash[1];
/* 3.x version of the above, contains only offset table, NOT
* any start of names "hash". Thus needs 'nk' lookups for searches.
struct li_key {
short id; /* 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"li" = 0x696C */
short no_keys; /* 0x0002 Word number of keys */
/* 0x0004 ???? Hash-Records */
struct li_hash {
long ofs_nk; /* 0x0000 D-Word Offset of corresponding "nk"-Record */
} hash[1];
/* This is a list of pointers to struct li_key, ie
* an extention record if many li's.
* This happens in NT4&5 when the lf hashlist grows larger
* than about 400-500 entries/subkeys??, then the nk_key->ofs_lf points to this
* instead of directly to an lf.
* The sub-indices this points to seems to be li (yes!) in NT4 and 2k.
* In XP and newer they point to lh which is more efficient.
* Likely to happen in HKLM\Software\classes (file extention list) and
* in SAM when many users.
struct ri_key {
short id; /* 0x0000 Word ID: ASCII-"ri" = 0x6972 */
short no_lis; /* 0x0002 Word number of pointers to li */
/* 0x0004 ???? Hash-Records */
struct ri_hash {
long ofs_li; /* 0x0000 D-Word Offset of corresponding "li"-Record */
} hash[1];

如果没有ri结构:找到subkey的 CM_Key_NODE结构的过程是这样的:
rikey->hash[r].ofs_li index.hash[i].ofs_nk
subkeylist ----------------> ri_index--------------------------------->li/lf结构----------------------------------》 Key_node
真日啊 。。。费劲。。