转换 Vmware Image to Virtualbox Image 或者

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VirtualBox is a family of powerful x86 virtualization products for enterprise as well as home use. Not only is VirtualBox an extremely feature rich, high performance product for enterprise customers, it is also the only professional solution that is freely available as Open Source Software under the terms of the GNU General Public License (GPL).


VirtualBox is a virtual emulator like VMWare workstation. It has many of the features VMWare has, as well as some of its own.


Note:- Before Converting make a backup copy of your vmware image


Solution 1


We are going to use qemu-img tool to this.QEMU disk image utility


First Install qemu  qemu-img is included with qemu package using the following command

      sudo apt-get install qemu


Convert a VMWare Image to VirtualBox Image

Convert VMWare image called debian.vmdk to /tmp/debian.bin

      qemu-img convert debian.vmdk /tmp/debian.bin


Now use VBoxManage to get back image in native format:

      VBoxManage convertdd /tmp/debian.bin debian.vdi


Solution 2


VirtualBox can run VMs created by VMware Workstation or Server for this you need to import vmdk files using the following procedure


  • Start Virtual Box
  • Goto File > Virtual Disk Manager
  • Click Add.  Locate and select the copied .vmdk file. Click OK.
  • Create a New VM as usual using the added vmdk file
  • Boot the VM

If you have any other solutions let us share with us.


来源: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/howto-convert-vmware-image-to-virtualbox-image.html



How to Use VMWare Image on VirtualBox


CentOS is used in this contents though Debian is used in Japanese Version, There is no change in the way to use VMWare image.

Start VirtualBox and select "Files" -> "Virtual Media Manager"
New Window of "Virtual Media Manager" will be appeared.

Click "Add" button on the "Virtual Media Manager".
Filechooser will be appeared.

Select a VMWare image file, you want to add, on the File chooser. In this contents, select VMWare image of CentOS.

The following image shows that VirtualBox recognize CentOS VMware image.

Click "New" button on the main window of the VirtualBox and call "Create New Virtual Machine" dialog.

Select CentOS VMWare image on the "Virtual Hard Disk".

Finish the creation of the new virtual machine with VMWare image.

Run CentOS 4.3 on VirtualBox (Grub)

Run CentOS 4.3 on VirtualBox (Kudzu)

Run CentOS 4.3 on VirtualBox (Console Login)


来源: https://blogs.oracle.com/thaniwa/entry/en_how_to_use_vmware



转换 Vmware Image to Virtualbox Image 或者 导入 Vmware Imagee into Virtu




QQ号联系: 360901061



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