Ubuntu 14.04 解决 Aptana Studio 3 闪退 Fix A

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If Aptana Studio 3 crashes for you under Ubuntu 14.04, here's a quick fix you can apply to get it to work properly.


The fix is pretty simple: in the folder where you've extracted / install Aptana Studio 3, you should have a file called " AptanaStudio3.ini " - open this file with a text editor and at the end of the file, add this line:
That's it. Using this fix, Aptana Studio 3 now works properly on my Ubuntu 14.04 machine.

来源: http://www.webupd8.org/2014/05/fix-aptana-studio-3-crashing-in-ubuntu.html


Ubuntu 14.04 解决 Aptana Studio 3 闪退 Fix Aptana Studio 3 Crashing In Ubuntu 14.04




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