Ubuntu 12.04 忘记登录密码,或者登录成功后闪退

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1. Recover Login Password of Ubuntu 12.04

After my first installation of Ubuntu 12.04, I forgot my login password and need to recover it.

To recover it you need to follow these steps:

1. Boot your computer.

2. When you get the grub menu, select option with recover as shown in figure.


Ubuntu 12.04 : Grub Menu


3. This will take you to recovery menu . In recovery menu select option " drop to root shell " as shown in figure.

Ubuntu 12.04 : Recovery Menu

4. A shell prompt will be displayed at the bottom of the screen with root as username. To change the password of particular user say naveen
       passwd naveen


5. The above command will ask you to enter your new password and retype password. Type your new password.

6. You might get "Authentication Manipulation error". If you get this error then you need to type :
      mount -rw -o remount /
     And again follow step 4 and 5.


来源: http://naveenubuntu.blogspot.com/2012/05/recover-login-password-of-ubuntu-1204.html


2. Can't log in although password is correct

try removing the Xauhority file and reboot.

for me that was  Ctrl+Alt+F1 (在登录界面)

      rm ~/.Xauthority






Ubuntu 12.04 忘记登录密码,或者登录成功后闪退




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