-- ============================================= -- Author: 牛腩 -- Create date: 2011年11月16日14时9分 -- Description: 格式化浮点数,去掉多余的0 -- ============================================= CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[formatfloat] ( -- Add the parameters for the function here @numstr nvarchar(50) ) RETURNS nvarchar(50) AS BEGIN -- Declare the return variable here DECLARE @Result nvarchar(50) -- Add the T-SQL statements to compute the return value here select @Result=case when charindex('.',@numstr)>0 then left(@numstr,charindex('.',@numstr)-1)+ case when convert(int,substring(@numstr,charindex('.',@numstr)+1,len(@numstr)))=0 then '' else '.'+reverse(convert(nvarchar(20),convert(int,reverse(substring(@numstr,charindex('.',@numstr)+1,len(@numstr)))))) end else @numstr end -- Return the result of the function RETURN @Result END