最近翻看了表哥给我的《Head First Design Pattern》,感觉很有意思,于是产生了一个想法,将自己的求职经历用各种设计模式表现出来。这不仅仅是对design pattern的学习总结,也可以算是对求职历程的程序记录。相信,它会变得很有意思的。
package com.ant.single.domain; public class StuAnt { private static StuAnt ant; private static int stuNum=0; private String name = "geyubin"; private String college = "jxxy"; private StuAnt() { } //get the single instantce public static StuAnt getInstance() { if (ant == null) { try { Thread.sleep(2000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } ant = new StuAnt(); stuNum++; } return ant; } public void getPersonInfo() { if(stuNum==1){ System.out.println("my name is " + name + " and my graduteSchool is " + college); }else{ System.out.println("sorry,it's not a single pattern"); } } }
在本人信息类里面,我将构造方法私有化了,这样保证了其它类无法直接创建StuAnt的实例,而getInstance()作为访问StuAnt类的唯一入口,提供了单一StuAnt实例的创建。 由于本人是唯一的,为了检验这种特性,我在getPersonInfo()中调用了stuNum。
package com.ant.single.test; import com.ant.single.domain.StuAnt; //the class of ant resume class Resume implements Runnable { @Override public void run() { StuAnt ant = StuAnt.getInstance(); ant.getPersonInfo(); } } // check the resums whether describe me in the correct way or not public class StuTest { public static void main(String[] args) { Resume antResume = new Resume(); Thread antResume1 = new Thread(antResume); Thread antResume2 = new Thread(antResume); antResume1.start(); antResume1.start(); } }
my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy sorry,it's not a single pattern
my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy
sorry,it's not a single pattern my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy
sorry,it's not a single pattern sorry,it's not a single pattern
简历里面描述的是另一个自己,那可不是开玩笑的。为了寻求答案,我翻出了自己的“葵花宝典”《head first design pattern》,琢磨一阵,终于理出了思路:
my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy sorry,it's not a single pattern
package com.ant.single.domain; public class StuAnt { private static StuAnt ant; private static Integer stuNum=0; private String name = "geyubin"; private String college = "jxxy"; private StuAnt() { } //get the single instantce public static StuAnt getInstance() { if (ant == null) { try { Thread.sleep(1000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } synchronized (stuNum) { if(ant==null){ ant = new StuAnt(); stuNum++; } } } return ant; } public void getPersonInfo() { if(stuNum==1){ System.out.println("my name is " + name + " and my graduteSchool is " + college); }else{ System.out.println("sorry,it's not a single pattern"); } } }
my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy my name is geyubin and my graduteSchool is jxxy
,永远都是同一个实例,(*^__^*) ----简历里的俺是唯一的,不可替代的。 ok,这应该是一个完整的单例模式了。