SOAP UI & Eclipse plugin 安装

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soapUI eclipse-plugin

The soapUI eclipse plugin provides full soapUI functionality from within eclipse. Apart from "standard" soapUI 2.5 functionality, the eclipse plugin contains a soapUI project nature and also adds a new soapUI perspective which mimics the layout of the standalone soapUI version.The plugin makes use of the SWT_AWT bridge which greatly eases our development effort but may result in graphical glitches with dialogs and some window updates... but all core functionality should be working OK (let us know otherwise)...

The command-line runners are not included with the eclipse plug-in but must be installed seperately by installing the standalone soapUI version.

Currently the eclipse plugin can be downloaded from soapUI SourceForge Download Page or through the update site located at (see below)

Please vote for this plugin at the eclipse plugin central .

(Mock Service with Request/Response Editors)

(Tools / soapUI Menu with LoadTest Runner in background)

(Axis2 Wizard with WS-I Basic Profile Report in background)

soapUI eclipse Update Site

An eclipse update site is now available at , install the soapui-eclipse-plugin with the following steps:

1. Select "Help"/"Software Updates"/"Find and Install..."

2. Select the "Search for new features to install" option

3. Press the "New Remote Site" button and add the information shown in the image to the right

4. Select Finish and the follow the dialogs to install the soapUI feature

Read the Getting Started with soapUI document and the soapUI User Guide to get going!


The soapUI Perspective

Once installed, open the soapUI Perspective by using the standard Window/Open Perspective/Other... Command and selecting "soapUI" from the list. The perspective will open 2 views;

* A "soapUI Navigator" view to the left containing the same Navigator and Details tab as the standalone soapUI version.

* A "soapUI Logs" view to the bottom containing the same log tabs as the standalone soapUI version.

Navigation/actions work the same as in the standalone version, windows are opened as tabs on the eclipse desktop and can be moved/docked around as usual


Of course, the above mentioned views can be added to any perspective using the Window/Show View/Other... Command and selecting either one of them in the soapUI group.

the soapUI navigator in eclipse

soapUI Preferences


Most soapUI Settings are available from the standard Window/Preferences dialog under the soapUI node;

SOAP UI & Eclipse plugin 安装




QQ号联系: 360901061



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