在Coordinate Systems/Projected Coordinate Systems/Gauss Kruger/Xian 1980目录中,文件命名方式又有所变化:
Xian 1980 3 Degree GK CM 75E.prj
Xian 1980 3 Degree GK Zone 25.prj
Xian 1980 GK CM 75E.prj
Xian 1980 GK Zone 13.prj
ArcGIS自带多种坐标系统,在${ArcGISHome}/Coordinate Systems/目录下可以看到三个文件夹,分别是Geographic Coordinate Systems、Projected Coordinate Systems、Vertical Coordinate Systems,中文翻译为地理坐标系、投影坐标系、垂直坐标系。关于地理坐标系和投影坐标系的区别,简单说:投影坐标系=地理坐标系+投影过程.
1 Geographic Coordinate Systems
在Geographic Coordinate Systems目录中,我们可以看到已定义的许多坐标系信息,典型的如Geographic Coordinate Systems/World目录下的WGS 1984.prj,里面所定义的坐标参数:
在Geographic Coordinate Systems目录中,我们可以看到已定义的许多坐标系信息,典型的如Geographic Coordinate Systems/World目录下的WGS 1984.prj,里面所定义的坐标参数:
2 Projected Coordinate Systems
在Projected Coordinate Systems 目录中同样存在许多已经定义好的投影坐标系,我国大部分地图所采用的北京54和西安80坐标系的投影文件都保存在其中,它们均使用高斯-克吕格投影,前者 使用克拉索夫斯基椭球体,后者使用国际大地测量协会推荐的IAG 75地球椭球体.如Beijing 1954 Degree GK CM 75E.prj定义的坐标参数:
PROJCS["Beijing_1954_3_Degree_GK_CM_75E",GEOGCS ["GCS_Beijing_1954",DATUM["D_Beijing_1954",SPHEROID["Krasovsky_1940",6378245.0,298.3]],PRIMEM
我国大中比例尺地图均采用高斯-克吕格投影,其通常是按6度和3度分带投影,1:2.5万-1:50万比例尺地图采用经差6度分带,1:1万比例尺的地形图 采用经差3度分带.具体分带法是:6度分带从本初子无线开始,按经差6度为一个投影带自西向东划分,全球共分60个投影带,带号分别为1-60;3度投影 带是从东经1度30秒经线开始,按经差3度为一个投影带自西向动划分,全球共分120个投影带.为了便于地形图的测量作业,在高斯-克吕格投影带内布置了 平面直角坐标系统.具体方法是,规定中央经线为x轴,赤道为Y轴,中央经线与赤道交点为坐标原点,x值在北半球为正,南半球为负,y值在中央经线以东为 正,中央经线以西为负.由于我国疆域均在北半球,x值均为正值,为了避免y值出现负值,规定各投影带的坐标纵轴均西移500KM,中央经线上原横坐标值由 0变为500KM.为了方便带间点位的区分,可以在每个点位横坐标y值的百千米位数前加上所在带号,如20带内A点的坐标可以表示为YA=20 745 921.8m
在 Coordinate Systems/Projected Coordinate Systems/Gauss Kruger/Beijing 1954 目录中,我们可以看到四种不同的命名方式:
Beijing 1954 3 Degree GK CM 75E.prj
Beijing 1954 3 Degree GK Zone 25.prj
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13.prj
Beijing 1954 GK Zone 13N.prj
在Coordinate Systems/Projected Coordinate Systems/Gauss Kruger/Xian 1980目录中,文件命名方式又有所变化:
Xian 1980 3 Degree GK CM 75E.prj
Xian 1980 3 Degree GK Zone 25.prj
Xian 1980 GK CM 75E.prj
Xian 1980 GK Zone 13.prj
3 Vertical Coordinate Systems
Vertical Coordinate Systems定义了测量海拔或深度值的原点,具体的定义,英文描述的更为准确:
A vertical coordinate system defines the origin for height or depth values. Like a horizontal coordinate system, most of the information in a vertical coordinate system is not needed unless you want to display or combine a dataset with other data that uses a different vertical coordinate system.
Perhaps the most important part of a vertical coordinate system is its unit of measure. The unit of measure is always linear (e.g., international feet or meters). Another important part is whether the z values represent heights (elevations) or depths. For each type, the z-axis direction is positive "up" or "down", respectively.
One z value is shown for the height-based mean sea level system. Any point that falls below the mean sea level line but is referenced to it will have a negative z value. The mean low water system has two z values associated with it. Because the mean low water system is depth-based, the z values are positive. Any point that falls above the mean low water line but is referenced to it will have a negative z value.
需要注意的是,大家经常希望能够通过坐标转换,将北京54或西安80中的地理坐标系转换到WGS84,实际上这样做是不准确的,北京54或西安80的投影 坐标可以通过计算转换到其对应的地理坐标系,但由于我国北京54和西安80中的地理坐标系到WGS84的转换参数没有公开,因此无法完成其到WGS84坐 标的精准计算。其他公开了转换参数的坐标系都可以在ArcToolbox(Data Management Tools->Projections and Transformations->Feature->Projections)中完成转换。
Vertical Coordinate Systems定义了测量海拔或深度值的原点,具体的定义,英文描述的更为准确:
A vertical coordinate system defines the origin for height or depth values. Like a horizontal coordinate system, most of the information in a vertical coordinate system is not needed unless you want to display or combine a dataset with other data that uses a different vertical coordinate system.
Perhaps the most important part of a vertical coordinate system is its unit of measure. The unit of measure is always linear (e.g., international feet or meters). Another important part is whether the z values represent heights (elevations) or depths. For each type, the z-axis direction is positive "up" or "down", respectively.
One z value is shown for the height-based mean sea level system. Any point that falls below the mean sea level line but is referenced to it will have a negative z value. The mean low water system has two z values associated with it. Because the mean low water system is depth-based, the z values are positive. Any point that falls above the mean low water line but is referenced to it will have a negative z value.
需要注意的是,大家经常希望能够通过坐标转换,将北京54或西安80中的地理坐标系转换到WGS84,实际上这样做是不准确的,北京54或西安80的投影 坐标可以通过计算转换到其对应的地理坐标系,但由于我国北京54和西安80中的地理坐标系到WGS84的转换参数没有公开,因此无法完成其到WGS84坐 标的精准计算。其他公开了转换参数的坐标系都可以在ArcToolbox(Data Management Tools->Projections and Transformations->Feature->Projections)中完成转换。