python 2.6编写,自己瞎写的,备用
''' Export and Import ElasticSearch Data. Simple Example At __main__ @author: @note: uncheck consistency of data, please do it by self ''' import json import os import sys import time import urllib2 reload(sys) sys.setdefaultencoding('utf-8') # @UndefinedVariable class exportEsData(): size = 10000 def __init__(self, url,index,type): self.url = url+"/"+index+"/"+type+"/_search" self.index = index self.type = type def exportData(self): print("export data begin...") begin = time.time() try: os.remove(self.index+"_"+self.type+".json") except: os.mknod(self.index+"_"+self.type+".json") msg = urllib2.urlopen(self.url).read() print(msg) obj = json.loads(msg) num = obj["hits"]["total"] start = 0 end = num/self.size+1 while(start