public Principal authenticate(String username, String credentials);
public Principal authenticate(String username, byte[] credentials);
public Principal authenticate(String username, String digest,
String nonce, String nc, String cnonce,
String qop, String realm,
String md5a2);
public Principal authenticate(X509Certificate certs[]);
public boolean hasRole(Principal principal, String role);
在tomcat中,Realm接口的基本实现形式是org.apache.catalina.realm.RealmBase类,该类是一个抽象类,org.apache.catalina.realm包还提供了RealmBase类的一些继承类的实现,包括JDBCRealm、JNDIRealm、MemoryRealm和UserDatabaseRealm类等。 默认情况下,会使用MemoryRealm类的实例作为验证用的Realm对象。当第一次调用MemoryRealm实例时,它会读取tomcat-user.xml文档的内容。
public GenericPrincipal(Realm realm, String name, String password) {
this(realm, name, password, null);
public GenericPrincipal(Realm realm, String name, String password,
List roles) {
this.realm = realm;
this.name = name;
this.password = password;
if (roles != null) {
this.roles = new String[roles.size()];
this.roles = (String[]) roles.toArray(this.roles);
if (this.roles.length > 0)
public boolean hasRole(String role) {
if (role == null)
return (false);
return (Arrays.binarySearch(roles, role) >= 0);
public class SimpleRealm implements Realm { public SimpleRealm() { createUserDatabase(); } private Container container; private ArrayList users = new ArrayList(); public Container getContainer() { return container; } public void setContainer(Container container) { this .container = container; } /** * 验证用户名和密码,返回Principal类型对象 */ public Principal authenticate(String username, String credentials) { System.out.println( "SimpleRealm.authenticate()" ); if (username== null || credentials== null ) return null ; User user = getUser(username, credentials); if (user== null ) return null ; return new GenericPrincipal( this , user.username, user.password, user.getRoles()); } /** * 判断Principal类型对象是有拥有指定角色 */ public boolean hasRole(Principal principal, String role) { if ((principal == null ) || (role == null ) || !(principal instanceof GenericPrincipal)) return ( false ); GenericPrincipal gp = (GenericPrincipal) principal; if (!(gp.getRealm() == this )) return ( false ); boolean result = gp.hasRole(role); return result; } private User getUser(String username, String password) { Iterator iterator = users.iterator(); while (iterator.hasNext()) { User user = (User) iterator.next(); if (user.username.equals(username) && user.password.equals(password)) return user; } return null ; } private void createUserDatabase() { User user1 = new User("ken", "blackcomb" ); user1.addRole( "manager" ); user1.addRole( "programmer" ); User user2 = new User("cindy", "bamboo" ); user2.addRole( "programmer" ); users.add(user1); users.add(user2); } class User { public User(String username, String password) { this .username = username; this .password = password; } public String username; public ArrayList roles = new ArrayList(); public String password; public void addRole(String role) { roles.add(role); } public ArrayList getRoles() { return roles; } } }
< web-app > < security-constraint > < web-resource-collection > < web-resource-name > Member Area </ web-resource-name > < description > Only registered members can access this area. </ description > < url-pattern > /member/* </ url-pattern > < http-method > GET </ http-method > < http-method > POST </ http-method > </ web-resource-collection > < auth-constraint > < role-name > member </ role-name > </ auth-constraint > </ security-constraint > < login-config > < auth-method > BASIC </ auth-method > </ login-config > < security-role > < role-name > member </ role-name > </ security-role > </ web-app >
private synchronized void authenticatorConfig() { // Does this Context require an Authenticator? SecurityConstraint constraints[] = context.findConstraints(); if ((constraints == null ) || (constraints.length == 0 )) return ; LoginConfig loginConfig = context.getLoginConfig(); if (loginConfig == null ) { loginConfig = new LoginConfig("NONE", null , null , null ); context.setLoginConfig(loginConfig); } // Has an authenticator been configured already? Pipeline pipeline = ((StandardContext) context).getPipeline(); if (pipeline != null ) { Valve basic = pipeline.getBasic(); if ((basic != null ) && (basic instanceof Authenticator)) return ; Valve valves[] = pipeline.getValves(); for ( int i = 0; i < valves.length; i++ ) { if (valves[i] instanceof Authenticator) return ; } } else { // no Pipeline, cannot install authenticator valve return ; } // Has a Realm been configured for us to authenticate against? if (context.getRealm() == null ) { return ; } // Identify the class name of the Valve we should configure String authenticatorName = "org.apache.catalina.authenticator.BasicAuthenticator" ; // Instantiate and install an Authenticator of the requested class Valve authenticator = null ; try { Class authenticatorClass = Class.forName(authenticatorName); authenticator = (Valve) authenticatorClass.newInstance(); ((StandardContext) context).addValve(authenticator); System.out.println( "Added authenticator valve to Context" ); } catch (Throwable t) { } }
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