Applies to:
Oracle Database - Enterprise Edition - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.
The purpose of this note is to provide a summary of the top 5 issues that may prevent the successful startup of the Grid Infrastructure (GI) stack.
This note applies to 11gR2 Grid Infrastructure only.
To determine the status of GI, please run the following commands:
2. $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t -init
3. $GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl stat res -t
4. ps -ef | egrep 'init|d.bin'
Issue #1: CRS-4639: Could not contact Oracle High Availability Services, ohasd.bin not running or ohasd.bin is running but no init.ohasd or other processes
1. Command '$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs' returns error:
CRS-4639: Could not contact Oracle High Availability Services
2. Command 'ps -ef | grep init' does not show a line similar to:
root 4878 1 0 Sep12 ? 00:00:02 /bin/sh /etc/init.d/init.ohasd run
3. Command 'ps -ef | grep d.bin' does not show a line similar to:
root 21350 1 6 22:24 ? 00:00:01 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ohasd.bin reboot
Or it may only show "ohasd.bin reboot" process without any other processes
Possible Causes:
h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
2. runlevel 3 has not been reached, some rc3 script is hanging
3. the init process (pid 1) did not spawn the process defined in /etc/inittab (h1) or a bad entry before init.ohasd like xx:wait:<process> blocked the start of init.ohasd
4. CRS autostart is disabled
5. The Oracle Local Registry ($GRID_HOME/cdata/<node>.olr) is missing or corrupted
h1:35:respawn:/etc/init.d/init.ohasd run >/dev/null 2>&1 </dev/null
and then run "init q" as the root user.
2. Run command 'ps -ef | grep rc' and kill any remaining rc3 scripts that appear to be stuck.
3. Remove the bad entry before init.ohasd. Consult with OS vendor if "init q" does not spawn "init.ohasd run" process
4. Enable CRS autostart:
# crsctl enable crs
# crsctl start crs
5. Restore OLR from backup, as root user:
# touch $GRID_HOME/cdata/<node>.olr
# chown root:oinstall $GRID_HOME/cdata/<node>.olr
# ocrconfig -local -restore$GRID_HOME/cdata/<node>/backup_<date>_<num>.olr
# crsctl start crs
If OLR backup does not exist for any reason, perform deconfig and rerun root.sh is required to recreate OLR, as root user:
# $GRID_HOME/crs/install/rootcrs.pl -deconfig -force
# $GRID_HOME/root.sh
6. If above does not help, check OS messages for ohasd.bin logger message and manually execute crswrapexece.pl command mentioned in the OS message with LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to <GRID_HOME/lib to continue debug.
Issue #2: CRS-4530: Communications failure contacting Cluster Synchronization Services daemon, ocssd.bin is not running
1. Command '$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs' returns errors:
CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online
CRS-4535: Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready Services
CRS-4530: Communications failure contacting Cluster Synchronization Services daemon
CRS-4534: Cannot communicate with Event Manager
2. Command 'ps -ef | grep d.bin' does not show a line similar to:
oragrid 21543 1 1 22:24 ? 00:00:01 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/ocssd.bin
3. ocssd.bin is running but abort with message "CLSGPNP_CALL_AGAIN" in ocssd.log
4. ocssd.log shows:
2012-01-27 13:42:58.796: [ CSSD][19]clssnmvDHBValidateNCopy: node 1, racnode1, has a disk HB, but no network HB, DHB has rcfg 223132864, wrtcnt, 1112, LATS 783238209,
lastSeqNo 1111, uniqueness 1327692232, timestamp 1327693378/787089065
5. for 3 or more node cases, 2 nodes form cluster fine, the 3rd node joined then failed, ocssd.log show:
2012-02-09 11:33:53.048: [ CSSD][1120926016](:CSSNM00008:)clssnmCheckDskInfo: Aborting local node to avoid splitbrain. Cohort of 2 nodes with leader 2, racnode2, is smaller than
cohort of 2 nodes led by node 1, racnode1, based on map type 2
2012-02-09 11:33:53.048: [ CSSD][1120926016]###################################
2012-02-09 11:33:53.048: [ CSSD][1120926016]clssscExit: CSSD aborting from thread clssnmRcfgMgrThread
6. ocssd.bin startup timeout after 10minutes
2012-04-08 12:04:33.153: [ CSSD][1]clssscmain: Starting CSS daemon, version, in (clustered) mode with uniqueness value 1333911873
2012-04-08 12:14:31.994: [ CSSD][5]clssgmShutDown: Received abortive shutdown request from client.
2012-04-08 12:14:31.994: [ CSSD][5]###################################
2012-04-08 12:14:31.994: [ CSSD][5]clssscExit: CSSD aborting from thread GMClientListener
2012-04-08 12:14:31.994: [ CSSD][5]###################################
2012-04-08 12:14:31.994: [ CSSD][5](:CSSSC00012:)clssscExit: A fatal error occurred and the CSS daemon is terminating abnormally
Possible Causes:
2. Multicast is not working (for
3. private network is not working, ping or traceroute <private host> shows destination unreachable. Or firewall is enable for private network while ping/traceroute work fine
4. private network is pingable with normal ping command but not pingable with jumbo frame size (eg: ping -s 8900 <private ip>) when jumbo frame is enabled (MTU: 9000+). Or partial cluster nodes have jumbo frame set (MTU: 9000) and the problem node does not have jumbo frame set (MTU:1500)
5. gpnpd does not come up, stuck in dispatch thread, Bug 10105195
6. too many disks discovered via asm_diskstring or slow scan of disks due to Bug 13454354 on Solaris only
If the voting disk is missing from the OCR ASM diskgroup, start CRS in exclusive mode and recreate the voting disk:
# crsctl start crs -excl
# crsctl replace votedisk <+OCRVOTE diskgroup>
2. Refer to Document 1212703.1 for multicast test and fix
3. Consult with the network administrator to restore private network access or disable firewall for private network (for Linux, check service iptables status and service ip6tables status)
4. Engage network admin to enable jumbo frame from switch layer if it is enabled at Network card
5. Kill the gpnpd.bin process on surviving node, refer Document 10105195.8
Once above issues are resolved, restart Grid Infrastructure stack.
If ping/traceroute all work for private network, there is a failed to upgrade happened, please check out
Bug 13416559 for workaround
6. Limit the number of ASM disks scan by supplying a more specific asm_diskstring, refer to bug 13583387
For Solaris only, please apply patch 13250497, see Document 1451367.1 .
Issue #3: CRS-4535: Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready Services, crsd.bin is not running
1. Command '$GRID_HOME/bin/crsctl check crs' returns errors:
CRS-4638: Oracle High Availability Services is online
CRS-4535: Cannot communicate with Cluster Ready Services
CRS-4529: Cluster Synchronization Services is online
CRS-4534: Cannot communicate with Event Manager
2. Command 'ps -ef | grep d.bin' does not show a line similar to:
root 23017 1 1 22:34 ? 00:00:00 /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/bin/crsd.bin reboot
3. Even if the crsd.bin process exists, command 'crsctl stat res -t -init' shows:
Possible Causes:
2. +ASM<n> instance can not startup
3. OCR is inaccessible
4. Network configuration has been changed causing gpnp profile.xml mismatch
5. $GRID_HOME/crs/init/<host>.pid file for crsd has been removed or renamed manually, crsd.log shows: 'Error3 -2 writing PID to the file'
6. ocr.loc content mismatch with other cluster nodes. crsd.log shows: 'Shutdown CacheLocal. my hash ids don't match'
2. For, ensure that the resource ora.cluster_interconnect.haip is ONLINE, refer to Document 1383737.1 for ASM startup
issues related to HAIP.
3. Ensure the OCR disk is available and accessible. If the OCR is lost for any reason, refer to Document 1062983.1 on how to restore
the OCR.
4. Restore network configuration to be the same as interface defined in $GRID_HOME/gpnp/<node>/profiles/peer/profile.xml, refer to
Document 283684.1 for private network modification.
5. touch the file with <host>.pid under $GRID_HOME/crs/init.
For, the file is owned by <grid> user.
For, the file is owned by root user.
6. Using ocrconfig -repair command to fix the ocr.loc content:
for example, as root user:
# ocrconfig -repair -add +OCR2 (to add an entry)
# ocrconfig -repair -delete +OCR2 (to remove an entry)
ohasd.bin needs to be up and running in order for above command to run.
Once above issues are resolved, either restart GI stack or start crsd.bin via:
# crsctl start res ora.crsd -init
Issue #4: Agent or mdnsd.bin, gpnpd.bin, gipcd.bin not running
1. orarootagent not running. ohasd.log shows:
2012-12-21 02:14:05.071: [ AGFW][24] {0:0:2} Created alert : (:CRSAGF00123:) : Failed to start the agent process: /grid/11.2.0/grid_2/bin/orarootagent Category: -1 Operation: fail Loc: canexec2 OS error: 0 Other : no exe permission, file [/grid/11.2.0/grid_2/bin/orarootagent]
2. mdnsd.bin, gpnpd.bin or gipcd.bin not running, here is a sample for mdnsd log file:
2012-12-31 21:37:27.601: [ clsdmt][1088776512]Creating PID [4526] file for home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid host lc1n1 bin mdns to /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/mdns/init/
2012-12-31 21:37:27.602: [ clsdmt][1088776512]Error3 -2 writing PID [4526] to the file []
2012-12-31 21:37:27.602: [ clsdmt][1088776512]Failed to record pid for MDNSD
2012-12-31 21:39:52.656: [ clsdmt][1099217216]Creating PID [4645] file for home /u01/app/11.2.0/grid host lc1n1 bin mdns to /u01/app/11.2.0/grid/mdns/init/
2012-12-31 21:39:52.656: [ clsdmt][1099217216]Writing PID [4645] to the file [/u01/app/11.2.0/grid/mdns/init/lc1n1.pid]
2012-12-31 21:39:52.656: [ clsdmt][1099217216]Failed to record pid for MDNSD
3. oraagent or appagent not running, crsd.log shows:
2012-12-01 00:06:24.462: [ AGFW][1164069184] {0:2:27} Created alert : (:CRSAGF00130:) : Failed to start the agent /u01/app/grid/11.2.0/bin/appagent_oracle
Possible Causes:
2. missing process associated <node>.pid file or the file has wrong ownership or permission
3. wrong permission/ownership within GRID_HOME
# cd <GRID_HOME>/crs/install
# ./rootcrs.pl -unlock
# ./rootcrs.pl -patch
This will stop clusterware stack, set permssion/owership to root for required files and restart clusterware stack.
2. If the corresponding <node>.pid does not exist, touch the file with correct ownership and permission, otherwise correct the <node>.pid ownership/permission as required, then restart the clusterware stack.
Here is the list of <node>.pid file under <GRID_HOME>, owned by root:root, permission 644:
./osysmond/init/ <node> .pid
./ctss/init/ <node> .pid
./ohasd/init/ <node> .pid
./crs/init/ <node> .pid
Owned by <grid>:oinstall, permission 644:
./mdns/init/ <node> .pid
./evm/init/ <node> .pid
./gipc/init/ <node> .pid
./gpnp/init/ <node> .pid
3. For cause 3, please refer to solution 1.
Issue #5: ASM instance does not start, ora.asm is OFFLINE
1. Command 'ps -ef | grep asm' shows no ASM processes
2. Command 'crsctl stat res -t -init' shows:
Possible Causes:
2. ASM discovery string is incorrect and therefore voting disk/OCR cannot be discovered
3. ASMlib configuration problem
4. ASM instances are using different cluster_interconnect, HAIP OFFLINE on 1 node causing the 2nd ASM instance could not start
2. Refer to Document 1077094.1 to correct the ASM discovery string.
3. Refer to Document 1050164.1 to fix ASMlib configuration.
4. Refer to Document 1383737.1 for solution. For more information about HAIP, please refer to Document 1210883.1
For further debugging GI startup issue, please refer to Document 1050908.1 Troubleshoot Grid Infrastructure Startup Issues.
文章结束给大家分享下程序员的一些笑话语录: 马云喜欢把自己包装成教主,张朝阳喜欢把自己包装成明星,李彦宏喜欢把自己包装成的很知性,丁磊喜欢把自己包装的有创意,李开复总摆出一副叫兽的样子。看来的。其实我想说,缺啥补啥,人之常情。