
系统 2033 0

write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) -- blog.csdn.net/vagrxie


我一直希望有个工具能够便捷的进行语法高亮,因为很多地方都可以用到。特别是,假如我在Google Document或者Office中编辑文件的时候,或者是在Windows Live Writer中编写博客文章的时候(WLW中有插件支持,但还是没有此工具这么方便,并且现在写博客的时候我已经改用Google Document了),我都希望能便捷的进行语法高亮,但是并不是都那么容易实现。特别是像Google Document这样不支持插件的工具,因为Google Document不支持插件,不能进行语法高亮,所以长时间以来我都不将其作为博客的编写工具,直到,你知道的,我决定写个工具来解决这个问题。于是,就有了今天这个工具。

其实本程序实际是原来的chc2c工具的一个UI版本, code-highlight-clipboard2clipboard chc2c是一个命令行工具,可能很多人会比较排斥,虽然我建一些快捷方式也能实现比较便捷的效果。当然,怎么说还是UI工具来的方便,此功能托管在Google Code上: onekeycodehighlighter 已经有下载了: ClipboardHighlighter0.1.rar 因为还是使用Gvim来完成实际工作,所以, gvim 的安装还是不可少,假如有人发现绿色版简易版支持语法高亮和ToHtml的vim请推荐给我,我直接放在下载包中,这样大家就可以不用安装gvim了。对了,安装后,将gvim添加到PATH中,这样我才能找到并执行它。

默认情况下,我仅添加了c,cpp,python,java,javascript的语法高亮支持,其他的语法在config中配置吧。config中除了syntaxSupport 以外,都支持动态改变。比如保存的文件名,是否有行号,颜色主题等。

选中的一栏表示使用的语法高亮语言。使用中将需要进行语法高亮的文字用CTRL-C复制到剪贴板中,然后按Win+Z完成转换,然后就可以直接粘贴到任何支持HTML的地方了。可以是网站的编辑器,可以是Windows live writer,office word,Google Document。。。。。。。。。。你也可以在config.py中配置你想要保存的文件名,直接保存成一个HTML文件。

实际编写的主要工具为PyQt。因为此工具有一些特殊的功能要求,比如全局快捷键,比如用ctypes来调用了Win32的API,比如我要使用System Tray Icon,比如对剪贴板的操作等等等等,我觉得可以将这些例子分为单独的文章来讲解,目前仅贴出一些此工具转换的效果给大家看看。

MOD_ALT = 0x0001
MOD_NONE = 0x000
MOD_CONTROL = 0x0002
MOD_SHIFT = 0x0004
MOD_WIN = 0x0008

# the syntax support you want in the trayicon menu
syntaxSupport = ["c", "cpp", "python", "java", "javascript"]

# the global hotkey define,the modifier can be used is listed above.
modifier = MOD_WIN
hotkey = 'Z'

# do you need display line number before every line?
isLineNumber = False

# you need not change these below at most time if you don't know what it is.
# the color theme you want use. (corresponding to gvim)
color = 'default'

# if you want to save the transformed in a file.
filename = ''

void EnableOpenGL()
int iFormat;

ghDC = GetDC( ghWnd );

ZeroMemory( &pfd, sizeof ( pfd ) );
pfd.nSize = sizeof ( pfd );
pfd.nVersion = 1;//版本,一般设为1
pfd.dwFlags = PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | //一组表明象素缓冲特性的标志位
pfd.iPixelType = PFD_TYPE_RGBA; //明象素数据类型是RGBA还是颜色索引;
pfd.cColorBits = 32; //每个颜色缓冲区中颜色位平面的数目,对颜色索引方式是缓冲区大小
pfd.cDepthBits = 16;
pfd.iLayerType = PFD_MAIN_PLANE; //被忽略,为了一致性而包含的

iFormat = ChoosePixelFormat( ghDC, &pfd );//选择一个像素格式

SetPixelFormat( ghDC, iFormat, &pfd ); //设置到DC中

ghRC = wglCreateContext( ghDC );//创建绘图描述表
wglMakeCurrent( ghDC, ghRC ); //使之成为当前绘图描述表


//: holding/AddingGroups.java
packageholding; /* Added by Eclipse.py */
// Adding groups of elements to Collection objects.

public class AddingGroups {
public static void main(String[] args) {
Collection<integer> collection =<br><font color="#804040"><b>new</b></font>ArrayList<integer>(Arrays.asList(<font color="#ff00ff">1</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">2</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">3</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">4</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">5</font>));<br> Integer[] moreInts = { <font color="#ff00ff">6</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">7</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">8</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">9</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">10</font>};<br> collection.addAll(Arrays.asList(moreInts));<br><font color="#0000ff">// Runs significantly faster, but you can't</font><br><font color="#0000ff">// construct a Collection this way:</font><br> Collections.addAll(collection, <font color="#ff00ff">11</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">12</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">13</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">14</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">15</font>);<br> Collections.addAll(collection, moreInts);<br><font color="#0000ff">// Produces a list "backed by" an array:</font><br> List<integer> list = Arrays.asList(<font color="#ff00ff">16</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">17</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">18</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">19</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">20</font>);<br> list.set(<font color="#ff00ff">1</font>, <font color="#ff00ff">99</font>); <font color="#0000ff">// OK -- modify an element</font><br><font color="#0000ff">// list.add(21); // Runtime error because the</font><br><font color="#0000ff">// underlying array cannot be resized.</font><br> }<br> } <font color="#0000ff">///:~</font><br></integer></integer></integer>


// This function recursively looks at Node n and its descendants,
// converting all Text node data to uppercase
if (n.nodeType == 3/*Node.TEXT_NODE*/){
// If the node is a Text node, create a new Text node that
// holds the uppercase version of the node's text, and use the
// replaceChild() method of the parent node to replace the
// original node with the new uppercase node.
n.data = n.data.toUpperCase();
else {
// If the node is not a Text node, loop through its children
// and recursively call this function on each child.
varkids = n.childNodes;
for (vari = 0; i [i]);

2 MOD_ALT = 0x0001
3 MOD_NONE = 0x000
4 MOD_CONTROL = 0x0002
5 MOD_SHIFT = 0x0004
6 MOD_WIN = 0x0008
8 # the syntax support you want in the trayicon menu
9 syntaxSupport = [ " c " , " cpp " , " python " , " java " , " javascript " ]
11 # the global hotkey define,the modifier can be used is listed above.
12 modifier = MOD_WIN
13 hotkey = ' Z '
15 # do you need display line number before every line?
16 isLineNumber = True
18 #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 # you need not change these below at most time if you don't know what it is.
20 # the color theme you want use. (corresponding to gvim)
21 color = ' delek '
23 # if you want to save the transformed in a file.
24 filename = ''


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write by 九天雁翎(JTianLing) -- blog.csdn.net/vagrxie





QQ号联系: 360901061



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